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Hi everyone!

I'm in the process of designing a mobile bicycle bar and need to rent/borrow some equipment for my prototype that will be ridden at Critical Mass in Melbourne in about 2 weeks time. I do not intend to use any of the equipment at all - it will all be just for show although the kegs will have to be full, whether it be full of beer or water it doesn't matter, just as long as they're the same weight.

Specifically I will need 4 x 19 litre Cornelius Kegs or Asahi type kegs and a font with 2 taps.

Please, if anyone can help me out with this or point me in the direction of someone who can I would greatly appreciate it!

Thanks Elliott
Welcome to the forum Mashtun :super:

I just checked out your first post which offered some help. Good on ya!

However, until people get to know you on the forum they would be crazy to lend you their gear.

Can you offer a deposit on the gear?

I think offering a deposit to the full value of the gear would be the absolute minimum required.

From what I have just found on Google, 'Critical Mass.' has something to do with bicycle riding. The 'Mass' bit gives religious connotations as well.

Anyway mate, best to post a bit more detail. If what you want is for a worthwhile cause then post away. If not then I need say nothing more.

Cheers and beers,
Welcome to the forum Mashtun :super:

However, until people get to know you on the forum they would be crazy to lend you their gear.

Can you offer a deposit on the gear?

I think offering a deposit to the full value of the gear would be the absolute minimum required.

Thanks mate!

Yes, I can offer a deposit on the gear, absolutely. I wouldn't expect anyone just to give me their stuff without some sort of insurance.

From what I have just found on Google, 'Critical Mass.' has something to do with bicycle riding. The 'Mass' bit gives religious connotations as well.

Critical Mass is where a group of bike enthusiasts get together and ride through the city becoming the dominant mode of transport for a brief moment. It's pretty cool to ride in or watch go by as it's so quiet. The city falls into silence and it's almost quite eerie.

Thanks again and I hope someone can help. you know the alley behind Lounge is Swasnton St?
Good on ya Fents ;)

Hey Elliot, that all sounds great. You have me fascinated actually. What on earth are you going to do with the kegs, tap and a bicycle? My mind is boggling!

I hope someone lends you the gear as I really want to see the pics!

Best of luck,
Critical Mass is where a group of bike enthusiasts get together and ride through the city becoming the dominant mode of transport for a brief moment. It's pretty cool to ride in or watch go by as it's so quiet. The city falls into silence and it's almost quite eerie.
You're those #*$@'s who ride through the city, ignore all of the road rules and hold up all of the innocent people for hours who are just trying to get home from a hard day's work. I don't know what gives you the right to take the law into your own hands when you don't even pay registration.

The only way I'd lend you a keg is if I could chuck it at you when you're riding along in your stupid lycra outfit. :angry:

Can you tell that I've been stuck in traffic for hours before after these morons have done their "protest". :(
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Fazer Pete,,,,I knew someone would pipe up about it.

I too get held up sometimes by these guys. I hate it!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Fazer Pete,,,,I knew someone would pipe up about it.

I too get held up sometimes by these guys. I hate it!
What really annoys me is they think that they are above the law. It's the same as the Hell Ride guys that ride down to the peninsula on weekend mornings and completely ignore red lights and don't give way to anyone. I know people that have had their doors kicked in and mirrors snapped off by these idiots. These are probably normal guys but as soon as they put on their lycra fetishwear and get more than 10 of them in a group, they turn into animals.

As soon as they start paying registration to ride on the road and carry an identifying plate, then I'll have more sympathy for them. you know the alley behind Lounge is Swasnton St?

Thanks mate, I'll have a look!

As for the rest of you ignorant people your (please note the correct spelling of 'your' citymorgue2) comments have been noted and your insults reported. I hope this isn't the way you treat all new people to this forum.

Should anyone choose to take up further argument on the issues of sustainability then I would be more than happy to discuss them with you in a more dignified manner in some other, more appropriate forum.

And for the record I have not, nor ever will, wear lycra. That's just ridiculous.
And for the record I have not, nor ever will, wear lycra. That's just ridiculous.

As an avid mountain biker and someone who does not wear lycra, I salute you. Wish I could help you, but it would be difficult to send the gear from Alice.

Fazer et al. lay off. I think this forum became political, which I am sure, was not the intended purpose of MashTun. Remember that we all are here to help fellow brewers, in which ever capacity that is. I think we should extend a welcome to MashTun, and anyway how f'n cool would a mobile bar be???

Good luck MashTun.
Geeze, everybody's got off their bikes....

Settle my petals.....

For the record, I'm not capable of riding a pushie due to injury.....

Brew more beer. There's 3 four letter words that make sense.

Added: You got it right TB.....
Let us keep this on topic.

If anyone disagrees with what Critical Mass does/is all about you can go to their forum and discuss it there with them.

I have no affiliation with them whatsoever by the way. Had not even heard of them before now.

OK, how about a compromise?

Set up a mobile (working) bar on your bicycle, and as you're riding around interrupting traffic/causing jams/whatever, hand out complimentary beers to all the drivers you are holding up.

Problem solved!

Apart from all the drink driving biz.
Let us keep this on topic.

If anyone disagrees with what Critical Mass does/is all about you can go to their forum and discuss it there with them.

I have no affiliation with them whatsoever by the way. Had not even heard of them before now.


Thanks Johnno.

In fact Critical Mass is not why I'm doing this project, it's just a convenient deadline to have this project made by. What I'm actually doing is this which is all about designing freight bicycles as an alternative to vans etc.

The 'beercycle' is not quite finished yet but I'll post some pictures if anyone's interested.
Hi everyone!
I'm in the process of designing a mobile bicycle bar and need to rent/borrow some equipment for my prototype that will be ridden at Critical Mass in Melbourne in about 2 weeks time. I do not intend to use any of the equipment at all - it will all be just for show although the kegs will have to be full, whether it be full of beer or water it doesn't matter, just as long as they're the same weight.
Specifically I will need 4 x 19 litre Cornelius Kegs or Asahi type kegs and a font with 2 taps.
Please, if anyone can help me out with this or point me in the direction of someone who can I would greatly appreciate it!
Thanks Elliott

Mastun, welcome aboard.
opinions are much like A*&holes
every one's got one...
so you will have to toughen up to em here in the sober hours of the day as some folk can be quite cruel :beerbang: .

Is what you are doing something like this i just googled up?


I think you should contact the above site sponsor G&G (little logo above) they may be interested in renting or cutting some sort of deal for a bit of advertising on the day.

Good luck with it and make sure you take a few pics to share on this site.

Fazer et al. lay off. I think this forum became political, which I am sure, was not the intended purpose of MashTun. Remember that we all are here to help fellow brewers, in which ever capacity that is. I think we should extend a welcome to MashTun, and anyway how f'n cool would a mobile bar be???
If it wasn't a political statement then why bother mentioning the group and putting in the link to their website?

I'm not arguing against your message (although I don't fully agree with it), I am complaining about your methods. I'm assuming your stunts are supposed to raise the awareness of people and gain support for your ideas but how can causing traffic havoc on a Friday afternoon gain public support? Every person who is held up because of your group is going to hate your guts, no matter how important you think your message is.

As AdamT said, you'd get a lot more support if you handed beers out.
If it wasn't a political statement then why bother mentioning the group and putting in the link to their website?

I went back and edited the link in after PistolPatchs response, as he didn't know what it was, not because it was a political statement. I'm here because I'm building a mobile bar, not to discuss the issues of pollution and your apathy.

P.S. The event is on next Friday so may I suggest you leave the car at home so you don't become frustrated?
As for the rest of you ignorant people your (please note the correct spelling of 'your' citymorgue2) comments have been noted and your insults reported. I hope this isn't the way you treat all new people to this forum.

srry mate. just having a bad day. yes my spelling sux. but after writting 3 full cabinet sumissions in one day writting is not something im strong on by the end of it.

as you can see my post has been removed. not sure it was any worse than other posts. but hey thats what moderators are for.

welcome to the AHB. its a great place. dont let guys like me who are having a bad day, spoil it for you.
Is what you are doing something like this i just googled up?


Wow! That is so damn cool! I wish that was what I was making. Unfortunately, the brief stipulates that I can only have two wheels so I am limited in that respect. I will try and post some picture but my software is playing up a bit.

I love that pic! Thanks Lukes!

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