Plate Chiller in Kettle Without Tap?

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Hi Folks,

Currently updating my primitive brewing system. I'm a bit tired of having to use ice to cool my brew kettle and have been looking at getting a plate chiller. My kettle doesn't have a tap - is it possible to use a chiller via an OTS hose? Will gravity alone be enough to get the flow started?


Forget it - how would you get the flow started? With a siphon? (the wort will be at around 70C-90C).

If you insist on not adding a tap to your kettle, an immersion chiller is more likely to suit.
You might be able to do it with a pump but you mau have to prime the pump and hose to the kettle to get it started.
Go immersion chiller if you're not going to put a tap in.

But do. Simplify the ordinary toil of brewing and it'll be much more enjoyable. It's really not hard to add a tap to your kettle. If you're located in Melbourne (on phone so can't see where) I'll put one in for you if you get the parts.
Didn't think it would be possible without a tap on the kettle. And I'm thinking a tap on the kettle would be the way to go. I imagine there's info on how to add one here somewhere so I'll track it down. If not I'll post a question.


Mardoo said:
Go immersion chiller if you're not going to put a tap in.

But do. Simplify the ordinary toil of brewing and it'll be much more enjoyable. It's really not hard to add a tap to your kettle. If you're located in Melbourne (on phone so can't see where) I'll put one in for you if you get the parts.
Had a weldless ball valve kit for 3 years never fitted. Fitted before last brew. Kicking myself for not doing earlier!

Agree with all the previous posters, Chris - Get a weldless ball valve. If you don't have anyone/anyway to drill the hole head down to Keg King in Springvale and pay them $15 to do it - Jure is a very talented man on the pedestal drill, he's cut numerous holes in my various pots.

No affiliation of course.
When you have a tap then you can easily no-chill in cubes.
Also, ice can be dodgy if you are referring to bags of BBQ ice... early on in the piece I lost a brew to a bag of supposedly "drinking quality" ice.
Bribie G said:
When you have a tap then you can easily no-chill in cubes.
Also, ice can be dodgy if you are referring to bags of BBQ ice... early on in the piece I lost a brew to a bag of supposedly "drinking quality" ice.
We lost 800litres of kooinda pale ale on black saturday when the bushfires struck. I'll never forget it, the sky was just a haze of red. It was over 42c outside. Back in those days we used to use the guys pool and hook up a pump and pump the pool water through a massive chiller and then pump the beer into the FV's. The pool water was 40+c so the beer came in a touch over that into the FV's. Was still way to hot to pitch yeast so we drove down the servo and got 30 bags of 'quality drinking' ice and dumped 15 bags in each FV's. Sure enogh it fot the temp down to 21cish. Pitched the yeast and went home. Had to dump the lot the next week.
Ah, cpsmusic, I finally see you ARE in Melbourne. PM me if you want to talk about me putting a valve in your kettle. For nix of course. Happy to help you out. I was at the same point not that long ago.