Planting Hops

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gday all,
Just finished reading the wiki about growing hops.. Fantastic... But im womdering ive just picked up Chinook and POR brentos and i am wondering do i plant it now or should i wait till its later in the year around August before planting. If i need to wait will my rizomes die? Should they we stored in the fridge? By the way im in Bacchus Marsh half way between Melbourne and Ballarat has anyone experinced success in this area. I red melbourne is good weather im just worried about the frost factor...

Cheers Tim
Don't plant now. Keep moist in the fridge with some coir and plant at the beginning of Spring.

Make sure they don't rot (check every so often) . Should be fine.
just wondering what is coir? Just store in the fridge in a plastic bag?
Coir is basically coconut fibre and you will be able to find it at any nursery, Bunnings or Kmart gardening section.

Moisten some newspaper, wrap the coir and rhizome with the newspaper and put in the fridge. You can put it in plastic if you like.
Coir is good, but you can be a cheap-ass and just use any plant-bedding-material that you can keep damp: potting mix, shredded newspaper, peat-moss etc
Wrap the rhizomes to keep them moist, but not wet, seal them in a zip-lock bag and keep them in the fridge until spring.
Check them about once a month to ensure there is no mould or rot growing on them.

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