linqkster said:
WOW, talk about tall poppy syndrome!
As a matter of fact I have nothing to do with the show. I'm just someone looking to learn more about beer and that is what they seem to be doing as well.
What a complete and utter load of total @#$@#$@ !!!
I did a net search - it seems that someone with the same nick as you has been adding this show to directories and posting all over the net.
Your nick pops up all over the place advertising the show .. and in one interesting thread on general podcasting and how to make money out of it.
It seems that you even have an email linking you directly to the show, you are asking about a business plan for your new podcasting venture. The email on the address is the
What was given here is a subjective and honest review of a show ? Nothing more. Your previous dishonest astroturfing was even over looked.
So what do you actually brew Jason ? do you brew at all ? I doubt it .. your a dishonest VB swilling astroturfer who is trying to make money out of podcasting.
Most people would have said .. oops to that one and maybe appologised.. not went on the attack and continued the dishonesty.
Sorry Jason, but your credibility is zilch .. about the same as the quality of the show.
linqkster said:
You guys want people to enjoy beer and start to take it serious, but as soon as someone tries to educated the general public, you cut them down.
This show has nothing to do with educating anyone. It supports VB and it is full
of VB advertisments - which means that it is probabally paid for by CUB.
It also seemed to denigrate the art of home brewing ...
linqkster said:
You can sit back in your little boys club and bag the show show if you like or even better why not email them and give them feed back like they ask rather than bad mouth them.
Just reviewing the show. The less people that listen to it the better, even it is does upset CUB and a dishonest astroturfer.
linqkster said:
If your such experts, let them know how to make the show better, so then you can then enjoy listening to it to.
There are heaps of good beer brewing podcasts out there. One is able to do a review without having to worry about changing how someone does a show. Considering the fact that thier show is plastered with VB adds, I doubt they are
suddenly going to change.
If someone wants a good beer brewing podcast .. as I said .. check out, (various shows) or (who recently talked about our forum here). All quality
shows done by good honest home brewers.