Pitching A Smack Pack Into A 1080 Wort

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Were not talking about lagers... merely yeast, are we not?

Sorry if wrong.

Lets not do the math but lets just say the smack pack, 100 billion active cells, will catch up and not impart any undesired flavours...

2 c.
Will it be OK? .... perhaps. If you just pitch it - you will make beer, it might even be nice beer... if you're lucky. But - You are more likely to make the beer you intend to make, if you build an appropriate starter and pitch the correct number of fresh vital yeast cells.

IIPA's are clean, malty and hop driven beers. What can make them unpleasant in my opinion is if they are too hot, too estery or underattenuated - all things that take away from their drinkability and interfere with the malt and the hops that are supposed to be the focus - those things are very often associated with underpitching.

If it were me - I'd play the percentage brewing game, build the starter and delay brew day.
Aww, come on Thirsty, how's he gonna learn if he keeps making perfect beer each time?

jesus guys dont you sleep.. :p

Mucho thanks for the advise. im gonna go and get a 5 lt water container from shops and use that to make up a 3lt starter and brew tomorrow.

@Mark, I shoot mainly clay targets mate(keeps me poor) ocasionaly kill cute furry things, the odd deer and bunnys but mainly clays (not as tasty though strangely)

@Bandito, Its a IIPA not a lager so i might just slow my self down and do it proper, im aslo a extract brewer so unfortunatly cant run of the lauterings to do a mid starter brew, though its a bloody good idea never thought of that.

@ TB, im using Scottish ale mate, which is a bit estery anyway so i wont risk it

@Wolfy, Mate i wish i could run down the HBS and get another pack but as this is Tassie and none of the HBS here carry liquid yeasts im a bit stuffed, anyway they are all over a hour drive away.
there is almost nothing better than turning clays to dust and yes rabbit does taste a lot better, good luck on the brew :icon_cheers:
Doesn't look like anyone has posted this yet so... http://www.mrmalty.com/calc/calc.html

If you haven't used this before, you can either set the date to guesstimate the viability or just add 100%, the rest is pretty easy.
Well she went down this arvo with a 3 lt starter, i hope the starter was ok it never really went nuts more just a gentle ferment....good to watch on the dinning table in the back ground last night though B) .

OG was 1072 ish, i pulled some of the dex to add in 2 days, maybe the gravity of the starter dragged the OG down.....anyway will see how it goes at 18 deg

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