Pilsener Lme

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Hi all,

While I've still got some cool weather left, I'm hoping to brew a Pilsener (extract). Most of the recipes that I'm keen on (from Brewing Classic Styles) use Pilsener LME, but scouting around I've not found a Pilsener LME on the shelves in the LHBS. So, the questions, does anyone know where to find a true Pilsener LME? Is it OK to fall back on Light LME (and may be add some steeping grains)? As a fall back could I use one of the Pilsener kits (many and varied) as the extract, which (and Im guessing) causes me some recipe issues as I assume that the Pils kits will already be hopped.

Lot's of newbie questions on my mind obviously; thanks in advance folks for any guidance.

True pilsner extract can be acquired from sponsors above. It seems pretty pricey but you get 4.5kg for your money. I've been meaning to try it out for a while now.
The Morgans Extra Pale is the lighter extract available. It makes a decent pilsner. Steep some carapils for extra body.

Try S-189 or W34/70 for a clean and crisp finish, or any of the popular liquid varities.

Use any of the noble hops (Saaz, Tettnang, Hallertau, etc) and you can't go too wrong.
Folks, thanks for the notes, you probably heard my 'Aha' moment when James mentioned the Morgans Extra Pale, I had no idea of its existence. SeeMax, you look like you've nailed where I'm heading, looking at adding some Carapils and will go with Saaz.

Thanks again folks, your advice has helped me out. I love this forum :)
That would make it more of an aussie but the Saaz would swing it back on track. Hop Plugs as opposed to pellets give a lovely genuine Czech twang to the beer. Warning, don't use the New Zealand BSaaz hops for a euro beer. They are a brilliant hop but taste more like USA Cascadey Chinookey style hops and nothing at all like the Czech or German version. They have recently changed the name to Motueka, which avoids the confusion.
The Morgans Extra Pale is the lighter extract available. It makes a decent pilsner. Steep some carapils for extra body.

Thats what i'd do, i'd also contemplate a very small and very low SRM crystal steep to get some sweetness to try and emulate pilsner malt as most LME are quite bland. Maybe 1-2% of caramalt, 5-6% carapils. i knwo there is not ususally crystal in a pilsner, but such a low amount shouldnt turn it too sweet. maybe just a big chunk of carapils is the go, get more of the grain husk flavours.. attenuation might be a bit of a problem though.

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