Party- With Some Nice Beers Tried!

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I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I cannot mash that
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South Australia
I went to a friend's party, and since I didn't want to get crazily drunk, I decided to get soome belgians. After some advice from GMK, I bought 6 from Cellarbrations. Here's what I got and what I think of them (I can't remember much detail):


Forbidden fruit. It was... interesting. With a lot of fruity flavours (who would have thought?), it had a great texture. However, I wasn't a huge fan of it.


Leffe brun. I liked this one better, it's quite nice,with rich flavours.


Leffe Radieuse. I liked this one the most; it is quite balanced.


Chimay Trappiste. This is a bit different from other trappist beers I have tried, but it ranks pretty high amongst them.


Leffe Cuvee. My mental notes about this are a little clouded because I was... distracted. It was good.


Lucifer. I haven't had this one yet, but I know I like it. Much more detailed notes about this one to come.


there's some strong beers in there. sounds like a big night!
How come they look like tomato or chutney sauce bottles?
Forbidden fruit is a great drop. It has to be drunk at the right temperature or it will just taste "interesting." If drunk around 4 degrees there is a weird fruity flavour. Around 8 degrees the malts kick in and the flavours are rich, full and balanced. Truely delicious.

Next time, do an experiment. Pour a glass of it cold and try it. Then nurse the drink and as it warms up, keep tasting. You could even be all scientific and put a stem thermometer in there.

Beer flavour is a balance of malt, hops, hops bitterness, alcohol and fermentation byproducts. Make sure you take a good mouthful and allow all parts of your mouth to be exposed to the beer, upper part of the mouth, around the gums as well as all parts of the tongue.

All good beers need to be consumed at the right temperature, or you are wasting money.

New brewers get scared at the thought of drinking a beer warm. The term means many things to different people. Wine connoisseurs would not drink a wine at the wrong temperature. The same goes for beer connoisseurs. Belgian brews are true beer connoisseur material.

Megaswill tastes awful at these warmer temperatures. Drink it icy cold and highly carbonated.
How come they look like tomato or chutney sauce bottles?

:lol: I suppose that's why they are 'fruity' :p

Forbidden fruit is a great drop. It has to be drunk at the right temperature or it will just taste "interesting." If drunk around 4 degrees there is a weird fruity flavour. Around 8 degrees the malts kick in and the flavours are rich, full and balanced. Truely delicious.

Next time, do an experiment. Pour a glass of it cold and try it. Then nurse the drink and as it warms up, keep tasting. You could even be all scientific and put a stem thermometer in there.

Beer flavour is a balance of malt, hops, hops bitterness, alcohol and fermentation byproducts. Make sure you take a good mouthful and allow all parts of your mouth to be exposed to the beer, upper part of the mouth, around the gums as well as all parts of the tongue.

All good beers need to be consumed at the right temperature, or you are wasting money.

New brewers get scared at the thought of drinking a beer warm. The term means many things to different people. Wine connoisseurs would not drink a wine at the wrong temperature. The same goes for beer connoisseurs. Belgian brews are true beer connoisseur material.

Megaswill tastes awful at these warmer temperatures. Drink it icy cold and highly carbonated.

I didn't have the forbidden fruits very cold at all- not consciously, more to do with the fact I bought it off the shelf and my friend's fridge isn't very powerful. I know the methods of tasting a beer (I didn't have a pad at the time; and the others wouldn't pay attention to me when I started doing the 'wine ****** thing' as Liam said); however, the unique flavours that come with forbidden fruits don't tickle me that much. I love Hoegaarden's Gran Crue, and the Leffe ones tasted really nice.
OK, now for the Lucifer. A glance at the bottle shows that it has won a Beer World Cup, 2004 for its category. I think it goes without saying that this is a real 'devil' of a beer (insert someone groaning and running away smilie here). Anyway, here's my review...

I put it into a Cervoise glass; it was the most appropriate one by my opinion (I have choice of pilsener, nonic, newcastle brown, crown lager, and cervoise... not huge). It looks nice, making me thirsty looking at it. It's a light colour, almost straw but not quite there. Head retention not brilliant because the glass wasn't cleaned properly :angry:

Aroma is interesting. I can smell the hops they can use (but I can't identify them).

Time to taste it! It's... delicious! While bitter, it isn't overbearingly so; quite well balanced. It tastes quite spicy, with a spice of some sort in it, but I cannot put my finger on precisely what it is. Mouthfeel wise, it has quite nice body and slides down the throat very nicely. The aftertaste is great as well, I don't know how to describe it, though.

My main problem is the fact that I can taste all these different flavours and don't know how to describe them! All I can do is say that it's good! :beer:

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