Particularly Lively (volcanic) Brew

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So, my latest brew was bubbling along fine as of last night (1 day into primary). This morning when I checked on it, the airlock lid has blown off, krausen is pretty massive, and there's hops all over the fermenter and the airlock. I cleaned out the airlock (dried hops is not easy to get out of places you cant reach, by the way), and fitted it back in place. Hopefully the airlock didnt blow its load (ahem) too early in the morning, and with some luck I'll avoid an infection??
However, what should I do about the hops that now seem to be everywhere EXCEPT in the actual brew?! Should I scrape it all off the sides of the fermenter/underside of the lid? I was hoping for some nice citrus/grapefruit aromas/flavours in the brew - it'll be pretty annoying if all that hops is wasted.

Also, why did this particular batch explode? I've done similar recipes before...
2 x Coopers draught goo + both yeast packs (hydrated)
.750kg honey
Left over chinook and cascade hops
I wouldn't tough anything inside the fermenter/under the lid, you asking for trouble if so. If you can guestimate how much hops you've lost just chuck some more in when fermentation has slowed down a litle. I'd say you've just had a real healthy yeast and adding 2 packs will always get things going a bit better. What temp is it at?
Its at a constant 18-20deg in a fridge.
I would add more hops but the last of my supply went into this brew. And a 12km drive to the nearest LHBS seems like overkill just for a pack of hops ;)
Its at a constant 18-20deg in a fridge.
I would add more hops but the last of my supply went into this brew. And a 12km drive to the nearest LHBS seems like overkill just for a pack of hops ;)

Is it really? :p

Use it as an excuse to pick up other stuff while you're there ;)

If doing a toucan, 1 packet of Coopers yeast is sufficient.

Is it really? :p

Use it as an excuse to pick up other stuff while you're there ;)
I'm pretty sure! I live in Surrey Hills so Oakleigh brewcraft is roughly 12 km, as is Heidelberg, Brewers Den from memory is around 16km, G&G is even further. Are there any homebrew stores closer? It'd make things a lot easier.

If doing a toucan, 1 packet of Coopers yeast is sufficient.
That'd explain the vigorous fermentation then... I thought it was always best to add both sachets, seeing how they're only 7grams and it there was quite a bit of fermentables in the wort?
The two packs at 14 gr yeast in total is not overpitching, to my understanding.

I think your problem is you have lots of fermentables from the two cans, and on top of that .75 kg of honey.
Even only 14 gr of yeast will feast big time on that.

If you put down a brew like that again, don't use the airlock. Stick a blowoff tube into the airlock grommet, and the other end into a 2 or 3 litre bottle with about 1 litre of water. It will act like a giant airlock, and should hopefuly catch any of your overflow.
I'm pretty sure! I live in Surrey Hills so Oakleigh brewcraft is roughly 12 km, as is Heidelberg, Brewers Den from memory is around 16km, G&G is even further. Are there any homebrew stores closer? It'd make things a lot easier.

GG deliver though if that makes things any easier.

I would have pitched both packs too. Vigorous fermentation when temps are at recommended levels is nothing to worry about. I reckon there'll still be enough hops in there too. It's a messy substance when wet but if you condensed all the material together, how much would you say you lost? A gram? 5 grams? No big thing.

Clean the outside, leave her be and look forward to the drinking.

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