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Hey guys, Just wondering if there are any indepth tutorials or videos out there on the net to show me through how to go about my first partial? I've been reading a fair but but still am lost and the best way for me personally to learn is to see it in action.

Maybe read through the various threads on small scale all grain brewing, there is some good discussion going on currently.

It really is as simple as adding hot water to some crushed (by your local HBS) grain... stir, wait, drain.... boil with some hops, add malt extract ... cool down.... and into the fermentor.

You could try the BIAB method or even just use a large strainer... you just need something to remove the wort from the grains.

Is it the whole process or some particular part that is losing you? Feel free to ask specific questions.
Hey guys, Just wondering if there are any indepth tutorials or videos out there on the net to show me through how to go about my first partial? I've been reading a fair but but still am lost and the best way for me personally to learn is to see it in action.

If the best way for you personally to learn is to see it in action, put your location on your profile. You might find somebody nearby who is brewing Partial mash or even All-grain and is willing to have you pop around to see the process in person. You will probably be forced to drink some awesome beers as well, but learning always has a price :)

Doing exactly this is what made me make the leap from extract to All Grain.
yeh, its parts of the process that get me. I need to visualise it to see whats going on.

Ive been trying to work out how much wort is needed for a certain final volume (say i want 23ltrs) and its really inhibiting me from starting with partials.

i know thats not much help but yeah.

btw im in the northern suburbs of perth.
You're more than welcome to come around next time I brew. The 4 hour commute is a bitch, though :lol:
4 hours? did i steal an f/a-18?

thats cool, i'll need to just look into some indepth guides. Jumping from a kit to Partial isn't a massive step but i just need to figure out these uncertainties and i'll be fine :)
Dylfish: What's your current brewing experience like?? I'm interested to hear what methods you use currently. I just finished off a keg of my first ever partial brew, and it turned out really really well. I basically went the BIAB route with 2kg of grain in my 30L urn. It was really quite simple and I'd be happy to give you some pointers/more detail on what I did.
yeh, its parts of the process that get me. I need to visualise it to see whats going on.

Ive been trying to work out how much wort is needed for a certain final volume (say i want 23ltrs) and its really inhibiting me from starting with partials.

i know thats not much help but yeah.

It really depends on your system - however the thing with partials is that you can top up with extra wort made from extract if you don't have enough. I make between 30 and 32 litres of wort for a single AG batch. I know some other people lose less as it depends on things like your heat source and intensity, shape of kettle etc.

There are youtube tutorials on AG brewing and the mashing part of making a partial is identical. How do you plan on gettting the wort from your tun to your boiler?

I haven't watched any of these so I can't vouch but it might be a good place to start:
thanks guys,

I watched a guys tutorial on partials and it seems rather simple, of course there are things ill need to look into but im more than willing to try :)

Cheers fellas