Partial Rye Ale

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I was thinking of doing the following recipe

2.00 kg DME
1.75 kg Rye Malt (mashed @ 65C)
0.20 kg Crystal Rye (mashed @ 65C)

20g Tettnager @ 50 min
20g Tettnager @ 20 min
15g Tettnager @ 10 min

Danstar Munich Yeast

Since I use a muslin bag to do my mashing, will the bag get clogged up due to the rye or will I be okay?
I think because you are doing a partial then it would be okay to give the inside of the bag a good stir with your paddle when you finish the steep/mash.
PS. Sorry should have said it may clog up.
it really comes down to the question: Does Rye malt have enough enzymatic power to convert itself, or do you need the base malt there to help support the conversion. Not sure about this one. I've only ever used it in conjunction w/ pale or pils malt, but have never looked back.

On the page you linked to says that it is high in modification, on the page I found says use up to 50%. I made an assumption. I'm tipping that your info is correct. pm to Tony, he loves the stuff, I'm sure he will know.
Rye is just very very slow to drain when sparging.
I've used it in my last two brews, and even batch sparging it took 1 and 1 hour to drain, although it didn't get stuck.
I think it will convert itself. There was a news item recently about some micro-brewery in the USA doing a 100% rye brew!
There should be no problem with conversion. The problem with rye is that it can get very sticky. If you do this, I'd suggest heating the mash bed up at the end of the mash, directly or through addition of some boiling water. How much of a problem it will be probably depends on how you do your partials, with the bag you might well be fine. Recipe looks nice BTW. :super:
I'm actually puting down my first brew with rye on Monday and was planning to throw some rice hulls into the mash to aid runoff. Any idea how much I will need? I'm using 1kg of rye in 6.15kg grain bill (16.25%)

I only have issues with Rye when I get over 30% of the grain bill. under that, never had any issues. I use a 9" ss false bottom in a rubbermaid round mash tun. I've never used rice hulls either and gone to 65% rye, and yeah had a few issues, but damn it was worth the issues....

I've never used rice gulls. I did an American rye this week with 25% rye and 25% wheat and no difference to the sparge at all. I recommend doing a mash out though (or at least just heating the mash with hot water rather than a full-on mash out) to help things along. It depends on your set up though and some people do find rice hulls very helpful. FWIW, I use a simple braid and batch sparge.
Yes, rye will convert fine on its own.
I've got a 100% Rye beer planned for the very near future...

cheers ross
Where can you get rye in sydney?

I've been hunting for it to do a partial grain brew but can't seem to find anyone who stocks it?
Where can you get rye in sydney?

I've been hunting for it to do a partial grain brew but can't seem to find anyone who stocks it?

mate you havn't tried to hard, have a look at craftbrewer website, ne is the green sponsor at the top of this page :D


edit : i didn't read the post to good as you asked for a place in Sydney
Check the links tab near the top, maybe there's a retailer near you?
Thanks for the info guys,

Had a look at the retailers and none of them from what I could see stock Rye Malt.

Your correct Rook a number of places have rye but they all seem interstate. I'm looking for a place I can walk into and purchase rather than order.

Cheers, Tae.

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