Partial Mash Lager Recipe Please

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OK I'm ready to give the ol partial mash a crack. So while it is still cold i want to brew a lager for summer. I'm not fussy when it comes to Lagers as they all taste good. So if someone could post a tryed and true partial mash for a nice summer style lager.
Lagers i like are, Stella, Urquell, Sam Adams, most Belgian style ones. Anything thats not too offensive.
kilo each Vienna, Pils & light Munich malt for the part mash, mash @ 68C in 9Lwater
1,5Kg can light malt extract

55g Hallertau pellets start of boil
25g Tettnang pellets "

10g tettnang last 15 mins
10g tettnang or saaz or Vanguard at knock out

pitch a large amount of lager yeast (2 packets 34/70 or 2L starter of liquid lager yeast)

ferment at 8-10C, lager for 4-8 weeks at 1C


Jovial Monk
Do you need to add the 1.5kgs of light malt extract to the boil or can i simply dump it into the fermenter. As i dont think i have a pot big enough for 9 litres to start + 2 litres of sparge water + 1.5kgs of LME
you will only recover 4-5L of the mash water

I recommend towards end of boil taking 2L of wort out the boil, add the LME offheat, stir to mix, dribble back into the boil. I think this is nicer and safer than merely chucking it into the fermenter.

This way the LME is sanitised & dissolved while most of the boil is only the relatively low gravity wort from the minimash meaning hop utilisation is good.

Just wondering how do u control the OG in a partial mash? Am i correct to assume that 3kg's of grain with a 1 hour mash is = to about 1 kg of Liquid Malt Extract?
with only about 50% recovery from the mash then extra sparge water, then evap from the boil + the dregs from the boil with all the hops in , that dont go into the fermenter. This all makes me think that the OG is a bit of a hit or miss affair.
it is a bit untill you learn the way your system works

a 3Kg mash should give you about an OG of 1030, the 1.5Kg LME will give you about 21 points

Jovial_Monk said:
kilo each Vienna, Pils & light Munich malt for the part mash, mash @ 68C in 9Lwater
1,5Kg can light malt extract

55g Hallertau pellets start of boil
25g Tettnang pellets "

10g tettnang last 15 mins
10g tettnang or saaz or Vanguard at knock out

pitch a large amount of lager yeast (2 packets 34/70 or 2L starter of liquid lager yeast)

ferment at 8-10C, lager for 4-8 weeks at 1C


Jovial Monk
What alpha acid % are these hop to be?
hallertau pellets are 2%, the plugs 2.9%
Tettnang pellets are 5.6%

i did a silver medal in the anwabs comp last year for my first parial and here it is

1 can coopers bavairian lager

1.5 kilo pils malt mashed
1.5 kiolos light munich malt mashed

30 grams halertua hops 60 minns

30 grams hallertua 10 mins

2 tsp irish moss

yeast wyeast 2206 bavairian

mashed at 66 deg with the hops it was bitte so u less hops int he 60 mins boil for a les bitter beer

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