Pale Ale, thoughts

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I kept saying there was no bitterness .... As in there was no bitterness.

Bitternes is some what fundamental.

Will the addition of 20g of Galaxy at 30m not add some bitterness?

Sure it might not have ENOUGH bitterness but there is definitely SOME.
30mins is more aroma. You need at least 45mins for bitterness.

I would be aiming for 25-30ibu for betterness alone
Ducatiboy stu said:
I kept saying there was no bitterness .... As in there was no bitterness.

Bitternes is some what fundamental.
What would your recommendation be then Lord bitter, help a noob out with you wisdom
The only thing worse than no advice is bad advice.... Bittering not coming from 30 min additions is a load of BS so don't pay attention to that piece of wisdom.

DS does seem to have some good knowledge some of the time but I believe he is just bitter on this subject so is expecting your beer to more bitter than he is.

Get yourself a program to input your recipes so that you can see the IBUs that you are generating... Then take the plunge and put your brew down and adjust up or down depending on whether it is too bitter or not bitter enough for you.
Camo1234 said:
The only thing worse than no advice is bad advice.... Bittering not coming from 30 min additions is a load of BS so don't pay attention to that piece of wisdom.

DS does seem to have some good knowledge some of the time but I believe he is just bitter on this subject so is expecting your beer to more bitter than he is.

Get yourself a program to input your recipes so that you can see the IBUs that you are generating... Then take the plunge and put your brew down and adjust up or down depending on whether it is too bitter or not bitter enough for you.
Bitterness is still extracted but at a lower ratio, depending on the gravity etc. There would be a few IBU from the 30 minute addition, but no where near the same as if it were a 60 minute addition. If you do the calculations, it would work out around 13-17 IBU depending on a few factors just for the 30 minute addition.

The timing isnt strict at 0-15 for aroma 20-40 for flavour and 45-90 for bitterness, "flavour" consists of bitterness and aroma.. the shorter the addition is in contact with the boiling wort, the less bitterness in the final product, which is why you have to add **** loads of hops late to get any IBU.. An example would be a 10 minute IPA etc.
IBU is a measurement of bitterness, so technically, there is, it's just not from a "bitterness addition" ;-)
I have put down three extract brews that have been bittered with Galaxy, all three where 20g at 40 mins in 10 litre boils. Late hopping was a combination of Galaxy and Cascade or just Galaxy. The results were OK, not overly sweet but certainly hop (aroma and taste) and malt dominated these brews. Anyway I decided, even though Galaxy is one of my favourite hops, that I will be using Magnum and Challenger for all future bittering additions.
Guys, thread has been modded to stop this descending into a crap fight, posts deleted.

Stu, mate a more constructive approach would have been better. Something along the the lines of '30 minute additions offer less bitterness than a 60 minute addition, if you're chilling', rather than 'it has no bitterness' half a dozen times, especially considering you're in a 'less experienced' brewers' thread.

It's been perceived as troll bait and that's a fair assumption.
VonScott said:
I have put down three extract brews that have been bittered with Galaxy, all three where 20g at 40 mins in 10 litre boils. Late hopping was a combination of Galaxy and Cascade or just Galaxy. The results were OK, not overly sweet but certainly hop (aroma and taste) and malt dominated these brews. Anyway I decided, even though Galaxy is one of my favourite hops, that I will be using Magnum and Challenger for all future bittering additions.
Some hops bitter better than other, and some hops are better at aroma & flavour. POR is a great bittering hop, but not good for flav & aroma. The reason is "noble" hops make for better flav & aroma due to some of the following

Lower alpha acid content - less than 6%
Low myrcene oil content - less than 50% of total oils
Low cohumulone alpha acid content
Alpha acid:Beta acid ratio close to 1:1
Medium oil content - 0.5 - 1.5%
Some have a high humulene:caryophyllene ratio with values above 3:1 generally required for noble types.

A few examples of %

Hop. WOC 'Myrc Humul Caryoph Farne Other

Saaz .55 22.5, 42.5, 11.0, 13, 10
Tettnan .60 40.5 , 20.5, 6.5, 6.5, 25
Cascade 1.15 52.0, 13.0, 4.5, 6.0, 23
Fuggle 0.95 45.0, 23.0, 8.0, 4.5, 19
EKG 0.8 23.0, 45.0, 14.0, 0.5, 17
POR 1.5 37.5, 5.5, 7.5, 0.5, 48

WOC = whole oil content
Myrc = Myrcene
Humul = Humulene
Caryoph = Caryophyllene
Farn = Farnesene dont allow formatting for tabs and spacing
So ive downloaded Ianh's spread sheet and inputted all my data and sure enough its come out at 24.6ibu with the hop concentration factor on. Looks like its gonna be a mild beer.
Good work jumping on the spreadsheet dread.
I use it for every brew. IanH has done a great service for all kit and extract brewers !
The one time I brewed without it, (computer was a bit crook), I made a decent beer, but miscalculated it a bit.
I was aiming for a pale ale in the low 5's….I got just a tick over 6 % !! And around 50 IBU. Very nearly an IPA !
Actually drinking one right now !

I guess you can just hope beer at 24.6IBU tastes good hey !!!
Just knock em down and look forward to more bitterness in your next brews !
Yeah it is mid/high thirties atm so will make any beer almost drinkable haha, ive got two more on the go already using others recipes.... ill leave my creativeness until I get my head round it a bit more. Just bottled a coopers beer of the month pack, the steam beer so see how that tastes in a week or two.