Pacific Gem hops

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Hey all, has anyone had much to do with Pacific gem hops on here? Looking at some comments on other sites, some love them some hate them. I have 100gms that I bought the other day and am doing a brew this weekend. Also have 100gm of Amarillo and Sauvin if anyone wants to suggest a hop schedule! ;-)

1 x 1.5kg Pilsener LME
1 x 1.5kg Wheat LME
1 x 1kg Pilsner DME
250gm Carahell
Safale 05

I might just try this:

Pacific Gem 20gm @ 60mins
Nelson Sauvin 20gm @ 20mins
Pacific Gem 20gm@ 15mins
Nelson Sauvin 25gm @ 10mins
Pacific Gem 25gm @ 5 mins
What's your AA on the Pacific Gem?

I have just used some that is 16%, if yours is the same, that recipe with Nelson will be fairly bitter.

I did 15@ 60 and 15@ 0 in just an average sort of 1040 ale.

It has a woody type of flavour as described.
I've used quite a bit of it over the years. It works well in English ales and american ales. Bittering is quite clean. Late hoping adds nice berry flavors and a slight woody/earthy flavour. The flavour doesn't tend to stand out like some assertive hop flavours as it is somewhat similar to some malt flavours (like some English hops). That's not to say it doesn't have a good impact on the beer.

It mixes very well with c hops giving them an extra dimension with the berry notes and the woodyness helps prevent the beer tasting like a fruit salad. Good for bittering american ales.

Works well on its own or with English hops in English ales. It works very well in dark ales as well.

I wouldn't recommend it in lagers or alone in very pale beers. It needs a richer malt base or to be blended with other hops Imo.

I really like the hop but I don't always keep it on hand. The high alpha acid content limits how much cube hopping I can do with it which can be annoying if you want a hoppy beer without too much bitterness.

Not everyone likes it as much as I do so listen to other opinions as well.
Thanks guys will take it all in. AA is 13.6 on mine. Still going to try with the Sauvin! ;-)

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