Overcarbed Bottles

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g'day guys, i must have bottled my last brew a little early and have ended up with overcarbed bottles. :(
i bottled in plastic so no explosions just very froththy beer, is a dutch larger that is about 2 months conditioned and is tasting great...... once i get past the huge head! this is prob a really stupid question but is there an easy solution to de-gas my bottles without ruining my brew? i have experimented with a couple of bottles by 'cracking' the top to let some gas out a few days before pouring but it still remains very gassy :angry: should i jst repeat this proces several times?
cheers guys :beer:
I'm not sure of a good way to do it in the bottles, but pour your beer into a glass, let it settle a bit then swirl the glass not gently, but not vigorously either. this will knock the gas out of solution and will make the beer drink at the right carbonation level.
Your best bet is probably to remove the tops and de gas. Are you using plastic of glass? If its plastic this should be pretty simple to do without wasting a heap of bottle tops.
Just make sure you chill them well so you don't loose the good stuff before you degass and also when you are about to have one.
Just allow the beer to warm uop in the glass a bit brfore you drink
Yes, chill them as much as possible as this will dissolve more CO2 into the beer. Then just try and let off some pressure from each bottle. It's a good thing you're using plastic here as you could be in danger if you had this brew in glass.
could you squeeze the bottles too, so that when they warm back up again the gas leaves the solution and expands the plastic back out to its full size?
thanks guys for the advice, will give it ago. yeah i am lucky they were plastic bottles, have heard some horror storys of people having glass bottles explode on them resulting in major laserations and even a severed artery!! CRAZY stuff!!
thanks again!