Perhaps I'm just paying too much per kWh? :unsure:
I was going to reply to Doc's post the other day, but deleted it.
Your's has got me typing again.
Your problem is not the rates - you are consuming too much!
Let me tell you, you will get a very rude shock when they install a Time Of Use meter.
I can only hope it will shock you sufficiently to make you think about what your doing to our planet.
For the record, we have no town gas in our street, so it's all electricity here.
Like you I have a stay at home wife with 2 kids under 5.
We too have ducted reverse cycle.
We also have:
1 x in-ground pool to maintain
2 x fridges
1 x 160l tucker box
1 x 700 litre keg freezer - which I will downgrade
1 x fermentation fridge, that does not run all the time
The brewery's HLT is also electric.
We have a modest range of household appliances.
Our Autumn 08 bill (March, Apr, May) was $206 for 20kWh/ day, inc. off peak hot water.
Our Winter 08 bill (June, July, Aug) was $278 for 25kWh/ day, inc. off peak hot water.
These can be improved on.
Yes, insulate where you can. I put roof bats in as soon as we bought the house. We also installed whirlybirds
We face East, so I also put canvas blinds on front & back, to reduce the load in summer.
I also built an undercover washing line to supplement the Hills Hoist to cope with the increased washing due to kids.
This means that the drier tends only to be used during extended wet weather in Winter.
I implore you (and the other heavy users, some of which seem to take some pride in their 'accomplishments') to turn your usage around.