Osama Bin Laden Dead

  • Thread starter bradsbrew
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The problem is that your question MAKES NO SENSE AT ALL.
Since when was yeast a bacteria? Thought you used to be a micro-biologist.
Hussein wasn't tried at the Hague though. He was (in theory) tried by his own people....an Iraqi court set up by the yanks specifically for that trial. Amnesty international condemned the trial as unfair, and I doubt the Americans would have gone through that again, or hand OBL over to the International War Crimes Tribunal.
the pakistanis have photos of everyone else in the raid except osama.why wont the us release a photo, is it because they cant photo shop up a good enough image. the story on how they shot him has changed every day so far. one bullet to the head, human shield,no human shield, bullet to the chest and head, armed or unarmed. so no proof of his death and the surest sign of a lie is an ever changing story. they know he died years ago and are now anouncing it for a political gain.
The pakistanis couldn't take a photo of him because the US had taken the body.

I'm no fan of Bin Laden in any way, but it should perhaps be remembered...
Terrorism = acts of indiscriminate violence to achieve political ends.
US Foreign policy = acts of indiscriminate violence to achieve political ends. More people have died under US actions since WW2 than by the hands of any other country. 500,000 children in Iraq. Unmanned drones drop on wedding parties in Pakistan with 'precision' bombing. Cambodia the biggest bombing since WW2, up to 150,000 civilians killed and 2 million homeless - not even at war with anyone. US-backed corrupt dictatorships who torture and deny people rights (which is what Bin Laden wanted to stop). Radioactive munitions. Agent orange in vietnam causing mutations amongst innocent children still today... I could write an essay and only scratch the surface.

How was bin laden worse than that?
One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist.....
Mants is picking you up on a minor thing Gone_Fish, but he's kinda right.

Yeast is a fungus, not a bacteria. Minor detail, but we get what you're saying.

Wikipedia Yeast Definition


Those chocolate mousse antlers stole the show, it'll take a long, long, long time for those images to fade from my mind.

In case your mind didn't receive these transmissions, please, put down the CIA Guidebook to Home Protection and just, enjoy.


Reminds me of Ryan Stiles in 'Hot Shots' after he jumps from the plane and is in the woods....
This is how it went down;

Hussein wasn't tried at the Hague though. He was (in theory) tried by his own people....an Iraqi court set up by the yanks specifically for that trial. Amnesty international condemned the trial as unfair
Oops. Faulty memory corrected and apologies issued.

I doubt the Americans would...hand OBL over to the International War Crimes Tribunal.
Oh, for sure. He was always going to end up dead if they found him. No question.
The pakistanis couldn't take a photo of him because the US had taken the body.

I'm no fan of Bin Laden in any way, but it should perhaps be remembered...
Terrorism = acts of indiscriminate violence to achieve political ends.
US Foreign policy = acts of indiscriminate violence to achieve political ends. More people have died under US actions since WW2 than by the hands of any other country. 500,000 children in Iraq. Unmanned drones drop on wedding parties in Pakistan with 'precision' bombing. Cambodia the biggest bombing since WW2, up to 150,000 civilians killed and 2 million homeless - not even at war with anyone. US-backed corrupt dictatorships who torture and deny people rights (which is what Bin Laden wanted to stop). Radioactive munitions. Agent orange in vietnam causing mutations amongst innocent children still today... I could write an essay and only scratch the surface.

How was bin laden worse than that?

Write an essay then please. Waiting
Hey Brad,
Been away for a week and they send your topic to the "off topic". Lift your game bud :D
fino what it's got to do with beer but since the thread is alredy here,..

what gives this tool the right to put people to death ? what happened to due process? where's the proof/ evidence/ trial ?
first hussein then gaddafis kid now this, maybe i'm next for jay walking. he's no better than any of them. why shoot dead an unarmed man? why not arrest him? american propaganda machine at work, Goebbels would be proud
Just imagine if they got him to the US, put him on trial and then had to let him go due to a problem with the extradition from Pakistan? That would help the world...

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