OK, You're Here And You Brew, What Else Do You Do?

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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What do you do to finance your brewing?

  • Office worker...airconditioned, free internet access.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • IT..as above, with online games & betting.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Self employed...OK to start work with a hangover.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Factory/process worker...thirsty job.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other manufacturing...have own welder, built own coolroom.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Farmer...thinking of planting top paddock to barley & hops.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Unemployed...spend all day watching your airlock bubble.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other...something shady perhaps (HBS owner?)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
i,m a homebrewing,crows supporting builder! :chug:
no no not another one cant support the crows
onya sprog.thats two of use crows supporters on here ;)
like crows supporters - where are you from spoq
Hi Spog,

Welcome to the site.

A builder eh!!
Well when you get you ladder out next have a look at the BOTTOM few rungs or steps, then look all the way up near the TOP and and just imagine that it is going to be a long time before that side that you are supporting is going to be anywhere near that end of the ladder again. :lol: :D ;)

Nice work Dicko.

I would like to add that it seems reasonable to increase the salary cap of the lions to keep them on the top rung for the next few years. Either that or reduce the cap for all other teams.

we are the pride of south australia etc,etc. you see the crows are the initiaters not the imitaters (power), actually the power is called the power because its fans cant spell electricity!!!!. answering your question GMK i live in port lincoln
Well dont forget if it wasnt for port adelaide there would be no adelaide cows moo moo
Gday Brewers
I have been wandering some of the cyberworlds brewing chat room & think this is pretty close to the best. Friendly, informative & not up yourself too much. As opposed to other sites you guys actually make beer instead of ponificating about the ridiculously irrelevant topics.
I am currently mashing, after starting up with a Cooper kit as a XMass present. It has been a journey, but cars really dont need to go in a garage do they?
As for work, well I am currently employed as a recovery officer with Toll. I have the task of finding all of Mr Lion and Mr Nathans valuable stainlees steel beverage containers. :eek:
Catch ya
Watch out fellas, he's onto ya!
Add another for IT.
SAS programmer primarily.

Former life an aircraft electrical fitter in the RAAF .... it was journey to IT and I wont bore you with details and yes ... I do often question why :(
As for work, well I am currently employed as a recovery officer with Toll. I have the task of finding all of Mr Lion and Mr Nathans valuable stainlees steel beverage containers.
Catch ya

Jim got any spare Kegs at home you need to get rid of

Run for that hills boys the Keg cops are here AAAAAHHHH

Which raises the question: Can you legally obtain brewery kegs? I know a scrap place that sells them but there's still that "always remains the property of" bit that makes you wonder just where you really stand. Anybody know the true legal position? Also I saw somewhere that the imported beer kegs are scrapped because it's not worth sending them back. Anybody know if that is true & if so can you get 'em & where?
I've heard "some bloke" say that you have to be careful buying anything with 'property of so and so' written on them, because they can try claiming it back at any point.
Kai said:
I've heard "some bloke" say that you have to be careful buying anything with 'property of so and so' written on them, because they can try claiming it back at any point.
You are so right Kai, just ask any chick whose been tattood on the arse by a boyfriend who belongs to the Hells Angels. ;)
I've merged this topic with an older related topic.
For those that have already answered, you can just answer the poll.
For newer members you can post too.

Bike courier / arch-enemy of sketchy bus and car drivers everywhere. :ph34r:
Rocket scientist working for NASA

Nah really a electrical linesman in center Vic.

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