Ok, So Sorted Out What I'm Going To Brew Next...

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OK, called Gerard at NDB and put myself in his hands.

Today, apparently, there'll be a Lager wort turning up on my doorstep, along with a new fermentor, some yeast, cleaner and a hand pump (want fries with that?).

I can't sacrifice more cash to the second hand fridge gods, so will go and get a 100can cooler from K-Mart to do my cooling in.

Also today, should have a new in-tank thermometer turn up (go Ebay!), which I'll plumb into my primary fermentor.

Couple more questions:

1) Once I have finished the primary (ie.. around 2 weeks at 18deg), I assume that I rack the wort and again, keep this as cool as possible for another week?

2) After I transfer to keg, should I give it say 10PSI to knock the O2 out and leave the keg in a cool, dark place? Or do I then cool it down to 4 deg and carbonate it for a couple of days, then store?

I'll not have any room to keep that keg in a fridge - my kegerator only holds one keg at a time :( . I'd estimate my cellar is about a constant 20 degrees in summer and probably 15 deg in winter, so can I keep it un-carbonated in the celler for a couple of weeks?

This part is the most confusing for me, as I've read and been given completely differrent advice in the past. ANy help appreciated and thanks for your assistance so far!

Cheers - Mike
I can answer number (1) but not (2).

Let it brew in primary for 7 days and then rack to secondary fermenter for another 7 days keeping at same temp that you brewed at i.e. put it back in the cooler bag with your iced bottles.

Thanks Steve - why is that? I thought it'd take 14 days for the primary ferment to happen and that you should rack after the sugar / yeast had done it's thing?

Cheers - Mike
Once you get into the swing of things you'll find 7 days is the average for primary. Depends on what you are brewing though - some will finish after 4 days, some will take 14 days i.e. a lager in the fridge at cooler temps. A lot of people work on the 7,7,7 rule (7 primary, 7 secondary, 7 cold condition).
It's a lager, they often take longer than an ale to ferment out. Use your hydrometer as a guide as to when to rack. Wait till it has finished fermenting and rack.

Have a read of the thread Bindi posted, that should answer your questions, and maybe give you some extra ideas to the proceedure.

If you are using a lager yeast, see if you can get well below 18 deg, 10-12 would be better.

There was a thread very recently about storing carbonated kegs and at what temperature, see if you can find it to read.

You may want to do your lagers in winter, it is easier then to get closer to lager temperatures without extra fridges.
mvzoom - are you using a lager yeast?
Thanks gents (maybe I use that word too losely!!),

Steve - Gerard's bringing some yeast through today, I told him my temp range and he'll provide to suit. I'm assuming it'll be lager yeast?

If I need to swap a number of bottles of ice in an out of the fermentor bag to get to 12-15deg, then I'll do it. I have a chest freezer yearning to freeze bottles of water for me.

I read through that link provided (cheers Bindi) and now understand the racking process more - I'll search and see what I can find out about the keg storage.

Cheers - Mike

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