Oh Dear, I Hope My Yeast Is Ok!

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Thanks everyone for your helpful replies.
Time for an update about this brew.

I bottled it two weeks ago, and it was very cloudy (almost completely opaque). Nothing too strange there.

However, two weeks in the bottle has done virtually nothing to clear it up. Isn't that a sign of infection?

This is only my second brew using iodophor, and I had no infections when I was using sodium met.

Shall I open one and taste it?
Yeah, of course. It's the only way to tell if its any good.
If it tastes good, drink it. If it tastes bad leave it cold for another 4 - 6 weeks and try it again, it may taste okay then. If it's a dark beer, it may take a year to come clean :)
After that long, look for a ring around the neck of the bottle where beer meets air - it may mean an infection but not always. Some infections can give you beer a cool funky flavour, others can make it taste like sh1t :)

Simply put, I tasted it, and promptly spat it out into the sink.

Tastes like an infection to me, was god-awful.

If this ginger beer turns out to be infected as well, then I'm not going to be using the iodophor again.
This is only my second brew using iodophor, and I had no infections when I was using sodium met.

It's definitely not the fault of the iodophor. Sodium met is nothing like as good a sanitiser as iodophor. One thing to remember though, iodophor is only a sanitiser so you need to clean the fermenter. The sodium met can do that to some extent, so that might be why you were getting better results using it. So make sure the fermenter is really clean before using the iodophor. I soak it overnight with scent-free napisan. (Just check the labels to make sure there's no lemon scent in there unless you want to make a corona clone. ;) You can also use bleach, just make sure you do a really good rinse.

Anyway, I know exactly how you feel. Very disappointing to have the beer you've worked to make and paid for turn out so bad. You say it tasted disgusting, but can you describe what's wrong with the taste more than that? Medicinal taste? Sour? :(

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