Off Tastes: Dishwashing Liquid

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Hi All,

By now, I've done 5 brews in my fermenter and I'm noticing a bad pattern.

It never happens to my non-beer brews (Ginger Beer, Cider), but my beers have a funny taste.

My girlfriend LOVES my coopers canadian blonde brew, and everyone who's tried it seems to like it. But I cant help thinking theres this funny taste thats not quite right. Its kinda like its part of the malt flavour but its like the taste of dishwashing detergent. Very faint, and like I said, most ppl who have tried it dont know what Im going on about. But when I did brew of the Coopers Mexican Cerveza and drank it a week and a half after bottling that same taste was there but it was a lot worse. Again, anyone whos tried it thinks its great. (Oh, but its not, btw, I boiled limes in the water I used to mix in the brewing sugar dextrose, its the worlds lawnmowerest lawnmower beer, haha! But its for someone else, lol.) Back on topic, though I cant seem to figure out whats going on.

Could I have had an infection? If so, why only in my beers? (Or can I only TASTE it in my beers? I dont think so)
Could I have actually left some dishwashing detergent in my fermenter? Yes I use dishwashing detergent, its cheaper and if its good enough for my bottles
OR (I hope its this one) Is this slightly unusual flavour a part of K&K brewing and will disappear with a bit of maturation?
It's probably dishwashing detergent by the sounds of things.

Switch your cleaning product next time. Use an unscented sodium percarbonate based cleaner, rinse it thoroughly with water then apply a no-rinse sanitiser like iodophor. I'll bet your problems disappear.

For the amount you use, saving a couple of bucks on a few months supply of cleaner and sanitiser really isn't worth ruining beers over.
But you would think I'd notice the dishwashing detergent, like if I fill the sucker up with water and there's no bubbles at all and (I haven't done this, but will next time) the water tastes just like water, then it should be fine, right?
Maybe he's talking about the ol' extract twang?
or tasting 'green' beer? Tasting the beer at 1.5 weeks is pretty early.
Id say most definately the detergent is the cause.

Some time ago I put some dishwashing detergent/water mix in a spray bottle for leak testing, when id sorted the leaks I intended to use the bottle for clean water. That was over a year ago & still when i leave fresh water in that spray bottle for a few days the water gets the detergent taste in it.
Oh ok, that's interesting. I was really hoping it was just the fact that the beer was a bit "green" :(

What does that taste taste like?

If it's the detergent, what would you suggest? soaking in bleach for a day or something? I dunno...
For cheap, use no-name nappy wash. It's sodium percarbonate - similar to the Cooper's sanitiser.

You still need to rinse once you're done.

Others here have suggested using a no-rinse sanitiser. I can't argue with them!
But you would think I'd notice the dishwashing detergent, like if I fill the sucker up with water and there's no bubbles at all and (I haven't done this, but will next time) the water tastes just like water, then it should be fine, right?

I've noticed that the concentrated dishwashing liquid we use in the kitchen flavours anything
plastic it comes in contact with.
So u think that the bleach will get rid of it? I hope so.

Still, i brewed an extremely bland ginger beer and that taste wasn't there. If I could bring myself to put it out of action for a week, I might fill it up with plain water and let it sit and see if it's there or not.

Can anyone describe the "green" taste of beer?
Compared to Oz beers, Canadian Blonde does have a "different" taste about it. Make sure your friends aren't being polite.

I check a bottle at 7 - 10 days for gassing (and I can't wait) and infection, my Can Bld bottled last week (19/05) also had a "different" flavour compared to Oz brews, and I'm not worried at all, gassed ok, no autolysis, no infection. Next taste will be in a month (if I can wait).

Do as the guys said and clean your gear with the suggested products, just in case :)

Unscented Napisan is a good start and should be similar in price to what you are using now.

I clean my gear with a concoction purchased from my LHBS, his own mix I think, and I haven't a clue what is in it, but it work brilliantly. $10.00/kg

Added: Dishwashing detergent isn't a sanitiser. Dishwashers sanitise by heat.
Just to add my 2c to this -

I agree with the nappy treatment as the primary cleaner. After brewing I just top my fermenter up with nappy solution and leave it for a day or so, pour off, rinse and dry. Then I sterilise it with idophor when about to use it again. No scrubbing, its easy, and to date I haven't had an infarction in four years. Just don't forget about scrubbing your tap hole with an old toothbrush.
OK, nice. I use Morgan's "sanitize" in a spray bottle and just spray every surface (don't rub in/rinse). I presume this will sterilize things ok?

Anyone able to describe the taste of infection compared to the taste of "green" beer?
OK, nice. I use Morgan's "sanitize" in a spray bottle and just spray every surface (don't rub in/rinse). I presume this will sterilize things ok?

Anyone able to describe the taste of infection compared to the taste of "green" beer?

Green Beer - Flavours haven't combined, can be pleasant, just 'funny', not crisp, like unbrewed tea compared to brewed tea.......
Infection - Like a rat died in the brew.
Autolysis - Sort of an ammonia, bitter, acidic taste.

You'll know 'em when you taste 'em.
I dont even use a cleaning agent on my fermenters. They get hosed out & crud wiped off with a chux type cloth & hosed out some more.
When theyre clean, they get a squirt of phos acid based no-rinse sanitiser from a squirt bottle & im done.

If the fermenters not being used again immediately, it will get a hot (boiling) water rinse before being filled.
Just to add my 2c to this -

......... and to date I haven't had an infarction in four years. Just don't forget about scrubbing your tap hole with an old toothbrush.

Strewth!! I hope you touched wood before you typed this... :lol:

I don't go anywhere near my gear with any scrubbing implement at all. I use a cotton bud for cleaning my tap.

A toothbrush hurts too much. :lol: :lol:
I've been Ag brewing for two years and I've just tipped down the drain

A double batch of Aussie pale, a smoked porter, and half a batch of Alt beer

All taste like soapy detergent! :angry:

I have used Homebrand nappy wash for all this time(1 heaped teaspoon) and my methods as far as I can tell have not altered and never had a problem until now.

I taste everything at the end of primary and the taste has not been evident until CC in plastic cubes,
the alt beer was split into a fermenter and a plastic cube for more head space because I was using 1007 yeast.

After primary the fermenter batch was fine, the cube was soapy!

Now I would describe myself as a fanatical rinser to the point of guilt due to the water restrictions, but the problem is definitely with the cubes and none of the fermenters.

Now I left with a similar dilema as well,what to do?

Afer tipping a few batches one feels like buying a carton of VB and ending it all :(

Washing-up liquid has a heap of aromatics and bittering stuff added to it, to make it smell nice and to stop kids drinking too much of it - so I agree with everyone who says it should be avoided like the plague around your brewing gear. It also has pretty potent head-destroying properties.

Dishwasher powder, as far as I know, is basically sodium percarbonate (ie napisan) anyway - if so, it does have some sanitising properties, but is best used as a cleaner and then followed with a dedicated sanitiser.

The OP's problem sounds to me more like extract tang, or possibly some citrusy hop oils from the kit?

Not sure what your issue is Boilerboy, how do the cubes smell when they are empty?

One thing I've noticed, is that the 'unscented' homebrand nappy treament from one store smells (and looks) identical to the 'lemon' nappy treatment from another store - so I don't really place much stock in their labelling to be honest, there's a good chance it's all the same stuff anyway, just with different labels to give the illusion of choice. If you think it could be fragrance from the napisan then maybe try something else for a while.

Alternatively, I've heard autolysis described as 'soapy' - is there any chance one of your brews spent too long in a cube and developed some funky flavours?
I've been Ag brewing for two years and I've just tipped down the drain

A double batch of Aussie pale, a smoked porter, and half a batch of Alt beer

All taste like soapy detergent! :angry:

I have used Homebrand nappy wash for all this time(1 heaped teaspoon) and my methods as far as I can tell have not altered and never had a problem until now.

I taste everything at the end of primary and the taste has not been evident until CC in plastic cubes,
the alt beer was split into a fermenter and a plastic cube for more head space because I was using 1007 yeast.

After primary the fermenter batch was fine, the cube was soapy!

Now I would describe myself as a fanatical rinser to the point of guilt due to the water restrictions, but the problem is definitely with the cubes and none of the fermenters.

Now I left with a similar dilema as well,what to do?

Afer tipping a few batches one feels like buying a carton of VB and ending it all :(



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