Nsw Xmas In July Case 2008 - Tasting Notes

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22. DK - American Amber Ale - All Amarillo Hops - WLP001 - Bottled 03/05/2008 - 5.2% Alc/Vol - Carbed to 2.0 Vol (low, how I like it)

Clear dark amber. Pours with a nice creamy head which disappears quickly. Low carb as stated. Nice hoppy nose that follows through on the taste. The amarillo flavour is fantastic. Slightly resiny, numbs the tounge a bit. I would like to see a bit more body but thats probably just my tastes. Nice beer. Thanks DK.

Thanks for the feedback Doc. First time using dark crystal. Also under attenuated a bit which may be adding to it.

Josh - Brown Ale
I poured aggressively and was rewarded with a great thick viscous white head.
Beautiful deep amber colour.
Great body, with nice malty backbone. Was getting a slight hint of fruit up front initially, with a nice nutty flavour coming through as well.
Balance towards the sweeter side.
A very easy drinking drop Josh. Nice job.

Brew: 17. Pint of Lager - Munich Lager
Date: 3/7/08
Beer info: Bottled in brown 750ml CUB bottle, IBU 28 Hallertauer 3.7% Gold cap "PoL"

Sampling notes:
Served chilled in goblet. Pours a copperish gold body with slight haze and a creamy white head atop. Sweet biscuity grain maltiness on the nose, hint of bread, nice touch of hops; zesty citrus, a herbaceousness to it, they come through more as it warms. Smooth texture, carbonation is reasonably low, has a bit of malty body about it that verges on stickiness. Plenty of sweet toasty biscuit malt upfront, hops cut through well with a leafy citrus note that lingers on the finish and balances out the overall body. A particularly nice, no-nonsense lager I
could very easily see myself drinking alot of. Cheers PoL!
Brew: 17. Pint of Lager - Munich Lager
Date: 3/7/08
Beer info: Bottled in brown 750ml CUB bottle, IBU 28 Hallertauer 3.7% Gold cap "PoL"

Sampling notes:
Served chilled in goblet. Pours a copperish gold body with slight haze and a creamy white head atop. Sweet biscuity grain maltiness on the nose, hint of bread, nice touch of hops; zesty citrus, a herbaceousness to it, they come through more as it warms. Smooth texture, carbonation is reasonably low, has a bit of malty body about it that verges on stickiness. Plenty of sweet toasty biscuit malt upfront, hops cut through well with a leafy citrus note that lingers on the finish and balances out the overall body. A particularly nice, no-nonsense lager I
could very easily see myself drinking alot of. Cheers PoL!

POL's # 17 ... Muggus gives you the official report above, I'll give you my layman's report. .......... Yummmm.
Plenty of hop bite and flavour, the type you can't explain to the average VB drinker. Really smack in the mouth early, real downright bitter/sweet in the end. Loved it ! Tah mate.
I just realised that the recipe description taped to the side of the bottle is misleading. The 3.7% refers to the alpha acid rating of the hops used. Alcohol content would be around 5 to 5.5%. Cheers!
Right. Was amazed it was a mid-strength. :icon_cheers:

Any chance of the recipe, PoL?
POL: Munich Lager

Poured perfectly after a solid "Pssst" from the cap. Tight long lasting white head that stuck around. Clear and and the colour......... I love beers this colour! Deeper than gold but lighter than amber. They just oooozz drinkability with character!

And it didnt disapoint.

Aroma of floral hops with a spicy edge and sweet malt.
Flavour is as aroma, spicy hopa and toasty malt blended very well.

This is how i like to ballance my beers. Lots of malt and hops but neither stick out, making a full flavoured beer thats too easy to drink.

Ballanced perfectly!

Tops drop mate. Now........ Recipe?

Brew: 26. Doc - Schwarzbier
Date: 3/7/08
Beer info: Bottled in brown 750ml bottle, 5.2%, Black cap "26"

Sampling notes:
Served chilled in goblet. Near opaque black body with thick beige head leaving lace. Roast malt aplenty on the nose, charcol and burnt wood, roasted nuts, cola, bitter chocolate and grain, without a great deal of sweetness. Moderate carbonation, body is reasonably lean, an overall dry impression. Excellent body full of nothing but burnt malt flavours, near smokey at times, dry cocoa and nuts (almost like walnuts?), a slight woody component in there too. Bitter drying finish, lingers, begging for another sip. Jeez this goes down easy! Excellent dark beer, and I love a dark beer, thanks alot Doc!
1. Stuster - Belgian Tripel, Wyeast 3787, bottled 7/6, 9.8%, needs some time
2. Tony - ESB, Wyeast 1469 TTL yeast... about 6.5% abv..... not sure
3. nifty - stout (maybe)
4. -
5. Crozdog - American Brown
6. Kabooby - Xaviers Bock
7. Fatgodzilla - "More Than A Half Wit" 60/40 wheat / pale malt with Danstar dry wheat yeast. Drink now, especially as the first beer in a session. My only taster was a good, easy drinking brew.
8. Muggus - French Oak Porter (Bottled 9th June '08, 7.1%. Needs at least a month of warm bottle conditioning)
9. floppinab - Nthn English brown, WLP004, bottled 12th June filtered out of necessity, needs 4-6 weeks in the bottle)
10. Insight - Terrapin Rye Pale Ale clone, WLP051, 5.4%, bottled 08/06.
11. redbeard - belgian dubbel'ish - ready to drink. unfortunately I tasted a little too much & 3 lucky peeps will get an altbier instead. has a red sticker on neck with alt written on it. Others just have 11 on the cap.
12. Gulpa - English Bitter with wlp023 - Ready to drink.
13. SAH - Helles Bock (marked SAH) + 3 bottles Bitter (marked SAHB) - Both ready to drink.
14. -
15. -
16. Schooey - English Mild - You can drink now, but a week in the fridgewould do it good. It's overcarbed for style sad.gif
17. Pint of Lager
18. Thirstywench- IPA.
19. Josh - Brown Ale US-05 - ready to drink
20. Cortez The Killer - Almost Dark Ale - Recipe #37 - http://hyperfox.info/allgrain01.htm
21. Jon W - NZPA.
22. DK - American Amber Ale - All Amarillo Hops - WLP001 - Bottled 03/05/2008 - 5.2% Alc/Vol - Carbed to 2.0 Vol (low, how I like it) - Drink NOW!
23. Jez - Belgian Golden Strong Ale, at least 4 weeks
24. James - American Toasted Oat Porter, at least 4 weeks
25. Loftboy - Blue Mountain Lager with dry-hopped Hallertau. 4.8% ABV. Bottled 23/03/08. Ready to drink.
26. Doc - Schwarzbier - Drink up. Drink it now while it is still fresh. 5.2%
27. Monkeybusiness - Oatmeal stout - Bottled 25-6-08 so keep it warm for a couple of weeks before fridging.
28. Linz - Over dunked Dunkelweizen(1st attempt)- Its got to be wlp 300 ..Give it 2-4 weeks to carb up

Sorry to you all. I do believe I forgot to number my bottles, but I did use green caps so they'll be easy to spot.

IPA was bottled a few days prior to the swap so it's best left a few weeks to carb up.
Looking forward to tasting a brew or two.. Im assuming that will happen when Schooey gets back

21. Jon W - NZPA. Bottled 10th June. A little more bitter than intended, but ready to drink now.

Just in case people aren't looking at the wiki article!
DK - American Amber Ale
Small plastic bottle. Black on black writing on the cap is very hard to make out so I hope I have assigned it to the right entry.

Low foam on pour.
Sweet Amarillo aroma. Lovely amber colour with great clarity.
Low side of carbonation as indicated in description.
Good body, with good balance between the malt and hops. The Amarillo has come through nicely.
I think it is the aroma that is really making this beer for me.
To be like the American Ambers I've had in the US it needs more hop bitterness and more carbonation.
Very drinkable, and enjoyable.

22. DK - American Amber Ale

OK, First look at these lovelies, not a big fan of Ambers so prolly not the best to start with, see if you can win me over DK. Looks like from the description you've popped outside the style so I'll take my style goggles off.

Poured into a high shot goblet style glass. Lashings of hop aroma up front with just a touch of peachy esters in there as well. Some of the sweeter malts pop through as the glass sits.

Dark brown with some burnt copper notes when held to the light. Small but very thick, creamy and persistent off white head. Looks great.

Hop flavour dominates up front, some malt character there (and pushes through as the beer warms a little) but mouthfeel has come through a little thin, balance certainly toward the hop flavour. Bitterness moderate. Low carbonation leads to a very soft, pleasant bitter finish bringing you back for more!!!

A very easy drinker DK for a heavier beer. If you wanted to put a bit more ooomph behind maybe one of the less attenuative English yeasts and perhaps a bit more bitterness. I could have misread all of that of course :unsure: As it is, a lovely very sessionable beer. Nicely done. :chug:
Pint of Lager - Munich Lager

Good pour, nice thick white creamy rocky head.
Lovely straw colour with good clarity.
Great body with complex mouth feel. Lots going on in there (in a good way).
Nice malty bready flavours dominating.
If I didn't have the alcohol % I'd be inclined to think it was heading into bock territory.
Great beer PoL.

SAH - Helles Bock
Good pour, good initial head that subsided quite quickly.
Appetising dark straw colour, and super brilliant clarity.
mmmm first malty mouthful. Brings back many memories of drinking such beers in European establishments.
Very similar to PoL's Munich Lager.
Definitely on the Bock end of the Helles range, with quite a residual sweetness to it.
Maybe a little low on carbonation. More carb would make it a little more lively on the tongue and cut through some of the residual sweetness.

A very enjoyable beer.

20. Cortez the killer almost dark ale.

Medium carb that was nice. Held a fine thin head.
Clear and clean.
Smooth chocolatey malt, no real hops. Very drinkable.
I was going to enjoy it with a T-Bone for dinner but it didnt last the cooking process :eek:


11. Redbeards belgian dubbel thing.

I am guessing by the 'ish at the end of the neam its not meant to be BJCP style perfect :)
The beer was nice.......... no nasty flavours, harshness ect and i really enjoyed it once i got over the fact it wasnt meant to be a propper dubbel (or was it :huh: )
Light malt and to pale to be a dubbel but very drinkable. Dryish finnish with some malt sweetness and a definate hoppy punch. At first i percieved the aroma an yeast and thoought there was nomething wrong with it but on some secondary sniffing it was hops......... floral and slightly spicy. Pleasent but to much for a dubbel.

Not style perfect but very enjoyable thanks mate. Washed down the T-Bone well!


PS.......... off to a good start........ no tip outs!
Brew: 12. Gulpa - English Bitter
Date: 3/7/08
Beer info: Bottled in brown 750ml bottle

Sampling notes:
Served slightly chilled in goblet. Pours a small offwhite head atop a reasonably clean amber body. Toffeeish crystal malts straightup on the nose, rich maltiness with nut and graininess in there, faint fruitiness in the background. Chewy malt body, moderate smooth carbonation, decent malt body. Nice rich crystal malt driven body, rich toffee and nuts, earthy hops make an appearance towards the finish. Finishes quite dry, slightly bitter, some sweetness in there. Nice, malt-driven ale, goes down a treat. Thanks Gulpa!
7. Fatgodzilla - "More Than A Half Wit" 60/40 wheat / pale malt with Danstar dry wheat yeast.

Thought I would start my Saturday evening with this. Poured with a small white head which quickly disappreared. Light gold, slightly hazy. Malty nose with a slight wheat yeastyness to it. Same follows through on the taste. Light body. Dry finish. I like it. Nice summer session beer, Fgz. Thanks.

Agree more weizen than wit, which suits me fine :) .

Brew: 13. SAH - Helles Bock
Date: 5/7/08
Beer info: Bottled in brown 750ml VB bottle. gold cap "SAH"

Sampling notes:
Served slightly chilled in goblet. A style i'm yet to try a commercial example of, so i've looked forward to this beer!
Quite clean deep gold body, small white foam. Not sure whether its because i've been brewing with pilsner malt, but theres a distint aroma of it on this beer, grainy with a slight richness about it, faint floral hopiness. Moderate to low carbonation, body is quite dense and rich, drying towards the finish. Malt driven body, grainy malts, vanillary and biscuity, has a sweetness about it. Finishes with a touch of floral hopiness, moderately bitter with a lingering breadiness.
Just out of interest, how strong is this beer? Certainly goes down a treat anyway, cheers Sah!

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