SWMBO asked me to get milk on the way home tonight. While in the supermarket I saw the woollies home brand kits for about seven bucks a can. after reading this thread earlier in the day I thought, how bad could they be? after all it's still malt isn't it?
Does some company actually set out trying to make an inferior product? or are they just the 'seconds' from another brand?
Some of the other home brand products that I've tried aren't that far off the mark. The home brand honey still tastes like honey etc.
Has anyone ever tried these kits?
I reckon the way to go would be;
2 cans of 'no name' draught or lager
No extra sugar
Pitch both yeast packets
Maybe some extra hops?
What's the worst that could happen? A filthy headache and a batch of beer to feed free loading mates.