Northdown Bitter

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With new arrival due soon, and home renovations demanding more time, I am planning a large batch of session ale to see me through the coming months.

It is a english best / premium bitter.

94% M.O (Barids)
3.75% Brown Sugar
2.25% Home made Heritage Crystal (using Barids M.O.)


Mash around 67/68

Northdown bittering to about 25IBU
Northdown flavour to about 5 IBU (15 min addition)
Challenger Aroma (at flameout)

Wy1469PC 4 Litre starter cultured from top-crop.

FG: 1.011ish

Anyone played with Northdown/Challenger and 1469?

Not planning to dry-hop, but could be swayed...

Got one on tap ATM that's all northdown, it's bloody lovely
Mmm, that looks very tasty. I think I'll have to brew another bitter.

I haven't used it exclusively with 1469 because I haven't been able to get my hands on the yeast. It goes well with 1968, though and from what I hear about 1469, it's likely to be great.
Sounds quite feasible to me. Challenger is renowned for marmalade characteristics and 1469 for stonefruit, I've tried the two together and the result was pretty good, while Northdown is a solid bittering hop that's served me well in comps too. Personally I wouldn't dry hop, just the late kettle hops in the English Bitter is sufficient IMO, but there's varying opinions on the matter of course.
Top crop a few consecutive batches would be my advice, maybe a bit of variation between them with the hops schedule just in case it doesn't end up quite how you like it, sometimes these things are hard to predict. I say that after sampling 5 different batches of ESB in the last few days to pick one for the state comps, what looks good on paper doesn't necessarily translate into a great beer.

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