Noob Confusion (fining, Kegging, Carbonating)

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Hi All,

my 3 brews had finihed fermenting last night (2 finished day before). So I was about to keg, so I did some reading and now a little confused.

What I want to do, out beer in keg and drink it. With my reading I thought I make it nice and clear so my first keg beers look nice and clear.

What I have done.

Left fermenters in freezer
Dropped temp in freezer to 3 degrees

What I plan on doing
put gelatine in bottom of the 3 kegs
put beer in kegs
set gas to be about 14 psi (I assume I will pour between 12 and 14)
put gas line into beer line (carbonate through out port)
gentle shake keg(s) over 8-10 minutes (open release valve every so often do release O2)
put in freezer, leaving gas in the beer line (to carbonate over the week)
in a week to 4 (when I'm ready to taste)
Put gas line into gas line (in port),
Put beer line into beer line (out port),
Pour beer from taps (get woody)
Post here about how I can't balance my system :)

My confusion comes with all the discussion of making clear beer, I read to chill fermenting then pour and also add finings, so I thought I would do both. So I picked one method of gelatine addition to try (add to keg), but as I am going to carbonate by gassing the beer (out disconeect) will that then give me some jello shots rather than clear beer.

I can't comment on the keg attachment parts, but I would not add finings to the dispensing kegs. It gets added to the fermenters, and if you chill them first then its usually not required IMO.

If you want to add gelatine and then put the fermenters in to be chilled, then that'd probably be the go. The reason you don't add it to the kegs is that all the goop will still settle to the bottom and get sucked up into your glass.

Cheers mate - boingk

EDIT: I'm not implying that you can't chill a fermenter and then use gelatine. I'm just saying it seems a bit like overkill.
The reason you don't add it to the kegs is that all the goop will still settle to the bottom and get sucked up into your glass.

Cheers mate - boingk

Have gelled kegs before and had no probs, but yes the first pour is the goop that settles at the bottom, simply discard the first 200 mls and the rest should be fine

Happy brewing

Ivan :icon_cheers:
What I plan on doing

gentle shake keg(s) over 8-10 minutes (open release valve every so often do release O2)

Wrong order. You need to gas and purge the keg before you agitate it.
CO2 is heavy so I gas the empty keg for a second or three then transfer the beer. I thin put the lid on and gas to get the seal and check for leaks then purge for a second or 2 then gas again. You can purge again as cheep insurance. I purge for no more then a second or 2 as I have some gas in the keg when I transfer. If you agitate before you purge the O2 out you get O2 in your beer.
agree with the "dont gelatine the keg and get the shot of mud on the first pour " group

I always add gelatine while the brew is in cold and leave 2-3 days (depending on lazyness and other commitments :lol: ) then keg
purge the keg then agitate at pouring pressure to carbonate.

My line length to the taps and pouring pressure have been set for my system and I keep the pressure the same.

you need to make sure your system is balanced - see articles - and then you know your pouring pressure. If you dont do this you are going to waste kegs of beer trying to get the system to pour and I hate to see anyone waste beer :icon_cheers:

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