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Well I for one am sick of more of this anti-meth propaganda. I mean, just the other day I beat up four dudes and a labrador at the shops, and I'd been up for three days mind you, something I couldn't have achieved if I were not high. Look, later on I felt bad about the blind dude but his dog was looking at me like that so what are you going to do?
Seriously though, I was a functioning addict for many years and saw a lot of really bad, bad **** caused from that drug, if I have one major regret in life its not stepping in and doing things like you've done when I could have if I cared a bit less about getting on at the time. Kudos.
Good on you for sorting your ****, jlm. I haven't experienced it first hand but I have seen how hard it is for people to get past that sort of thing (not including my current circumstances).

what people forget in their argument about how we are all doomed is that in fact people in general aren't ****...[snip] fact I'll wager there are good doing good things all over the world right now but they aren't newsworthy so we forget about them)....
I agree very much with the second part but only with the caveat that we accept that a large number of these kind acts are attempts to counter some dick's dicketry.

I feel a bit silly saying thanks for the things some of you have said (I mean, what else was I going to do, you know?) but I will say I do appreciate the kind words.
I feel a bit silly saying thanks for the things some of you have said (I mean, what else was I going to do, you know?) but I will say I do appreciate the kind words.

That's when you know you've got a moral compass set in the right direction... When you consider the actions you've taken are not an option, just what anyone would do. When in reality not everyone would take that path.

Kudos mate.

Edit: and with 2 boys, one 6 months and the other 2 and a half of my own, I completely understand what you've been through and appreciate what you've done for those kids.
...has anyone noticed that in the foreward to Gordon Strong's Brewing Better Beer the "standing on the shoulders of giants" quote famously made by Isaac Newton is attributed to Einstein?

I hope the book does better with its brewing advice than with its philosopher/scientist references...
and the quote is reputed to be a slap in the face to Robert Hooke, a fellow scientist, who was a hunchback dwarf who dared to be critical of Newton's work, so the giant jibe is meant to be aimed at him...apparently Newton was just another genius grade arsewhipe. Or so the story goes.
That's when you know you've got a moral compass set in the right direction... When you consider the actions you've taken are not an option, just what anyone would do. When in reality not everyone would take that path.

Kudos mate.

Edit: and with 2 boys, one 6 months and the other 2 and a half of my own, I completely understand what you've been through and appreciate what you've done for those kids.
Well said..+1
just got canned from my job.
Well on lighter note, accepted a job offer today to join a practice at a much more highly regarded practice for 12k more than what I was on at a dead-end workplace, that for all I care can run themselves into the ground.

Best thing that ever happened? Too soon to tell, but things are looking good.
**** hot, argon. Nicely done.
I agree very much with the second part but only with the caveat that we accept that a large number of these kind acts are attempts to counter some dick's dicketry.

Very true, but the dicketry itself often arises from the first part of my argument. I think defending against dicketry is intrinsic, dicketry itself is largely extrinsically influenced. Regardless....

and the quote is reputed to be a slap in the face to Robert Hooke, a fellow scientist, who was a hunchback dwarf who dared to be critical of Newton's work, so the giant jibe is meant to be aimed at him...apparently Newton was just another genius grade arsewhipe. Or so the story goes.

...doesn't make the use of the quote in Strong's book any more accurate (or less inaccurate!)....

Nice work Argon!

Wish I had something inspirational to add...I did brew a half decent saison...not really comparable though...
Well on lighter note, accepted a job offer today to join a practice at a much more highly regarded practice for 12k more than what I was on at a dead-end workplace, that for all I care can run themselves into the ground.

Best thing that ever happened? Too soon to tell, but things are looking good.

Maybe you can afford to buy decent ingrediants and start making nice beer now ;)
Maybe you can afford to buy decent ingrediants and start making nice beer now ;)
Maybe get meself one of those fancy murkins you ippy boys keep banging on about.

I lol'd.... actually more snortled/sniggered
Maybe get meself one of those fancy murkins you ippy boys keep banging on about.

I lol'd.... actually more snortled/sniggered

well if you are going to use your missus drawers for hop bags, you need to wash them first.
well if you are going to use your missus drawers for hop bags, you need to wash them first.
I use hers as hop bags, but I hear yours lets Ross sell them as BIAB bags.
Hooray to you too Argon :)

PS: 1 kilo of wet (I think) cascade flowers, foil wrapped sealed bag through customs and they didn't even open the bag. 45 bucks kiwi.
I just read your post, Bum. You're a good human, mate.

I had a heap of other stuff written but this sums it up.

good on you for putting your hand up to look after your sisters kids. i would keep in contact just to check up on her kids.

my mates gf and her mum look after her brothers kids as his gf almost killed the youngest. now only to find out there having another...
That is pretty worrying. You've gotta hope we all learn something from our mistakes though.

i would keep in contact just to check up on her kids.
The conditions of the return of the kids into her care is that DHS will be breathing down her neck with random home visits and weekly drug and alcohol tests for at least 12 months. So that's some comfort, I guess.
That is pretty worrying. You've gotta hope we all learn something from our mistakes though.

The conditions of the return of the kids into her care is that DHS will be breathing down her neck with random home visits and weekly drug and alcohol tests for at least 12 months. So that's some comfort, I guess.

never trust the government. just ask the boys from the katanning boarding school run by dennis mckenna
Well done taking the kids, Bum. All the best to you and SWMBO.
Sounds very hectic. :(