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Last week we were in Tassie,no barking dogs were heard.
Lobbed in Adelaide Friday arvo and stayed the weekend, no barking dogs.
After a delayed flight from Adelaide to Port Lincoln we get home at 6.00 pm ( inconvenience due to the weather )and what do I hear.....
Yep 3 of the neighbors dogs barking !
May be best suited to the Rant thread but are dogs allowed in Tassie ?
Just next door to me is one of the biggest, boomiest canines. He has a pit bull companion that looks like a rabbit in comparison.

Only barks when there's noise near the fence, got onto our balcony one day and just looked happy, dopey and doggy so figure bark/bite worse than...
manticle said:
First time I saw a 'back to the table' tv ad, I wondered about a Christian driven family values agenda.

Sure enough....

Totally donating.
"Here's how your gift will help:
When parents need child-rearing guidance, your gift will help equip them to succeed in this highest of callings.
When families struggle with confusion, grief and tragedy, your gift will help them find answers, healing and hope.
When people reach out for God's love and His plan for families, your gift will help bring them closer to Him."

Oh good. I'm glad we've cleared that up.
technobabble66 said:
"Here's how your gift will help:
When parents need child-rearing guidance, your gift will help equip them to succeed in this highest of callings.
When families struggle with confusion, grief and tragedy, your gift will help them find answers, healing and hope.
When people reach out for God's love and His plan for families, your gift will help bring them closer to Him."

Oh good. I'm glad we've cleared that up.

So glad they are legit

Integrity in fundraising
The way an organization handles its finances is a reflection of its integrity and reliability in every area. Here are six principles and policies that guide our fundraising:
  1. We believe that this ministry belongs to God and that we are merely His managers and stewards. He calls us to be accountable to His objectives, interests and concerns.
  2. The Lord gives and the Lord takes away (Job 1:21). As long as He supplies the means, we will serve others in His name. We understand that the future of His work does not depend upon the survival of this organization.
  3. We won't hesitate to let you know about our financial circumstances, both in the good times and in the bad. But we will not beg or resort to disrespectful or dishonorable fundraising, nor will we try to raise more money than we need.
  4. We will try not to run the ministry at a deficit. If on occasion it becomes necessary to borrow funds to cover large or unforeseen expenses, we will do our best to repay the loan as quickly as possible.
  5. We believe that your first financial obligation is to the local church. We request that you support the work of your own faith community first, before you contribute to Focus on the Family.
  6. We will receipt all of your gifts and show the fair market value of any materials requested and sent, so that you can determine the tax-deductible portion of your gifts.
These guidelines have defined our philosophy of financial stewardship and shaped our approach to fundraising. They are based upon a firm conviction that everything we are and everything we have comes to us by the grace of God. If we remain faithful, we're confident that the Lord will sustain us while His purposes for this ministry endure.
..........and if you dont have money....give grain, lots of grain

Gifts of Grain
If you are a cash-basis farmer, you may enjoy favorable tax benefits by gifting grain directly to Focus on the Family. While donations of grain are not tax deductible, the benefits to you are that you may be able to deduct the cost of production and avoid income taxation on the gift portion of the grain, which would reduce both income tax and self-employment tax. We strongly suggest that you consult with your trusted tax advisor prior to making your gift for current tax laws and to determine whether this method of giving is advantageous to your circumstances.

To give a gift of grain:
  • Contact your elevator and have them set up an account in the name of Focus on the Family (as Seller) using the following address:
    Focus on the Family
    Attn: Gift & Estate Planning
    8605 Explorer Drive
    Colorado Springs, CO 80920
  • Deliver the grain to our account.
  • Call us at 800-782-8227 with information about your gift and provide us with the contact name and phone number of the elevator.
  • Focus on the Family will promptly call the elevator and order the sale of the grain.
  • Focus on the Family will send you a letter acknowledging receipt of your gift.
Please call our Gift & Estate Planning team at 800-782-8227, or email us at with any questions you may have.
Mardoo said:
Spent grain?
Definitely. They can make biscuits for God's dogs. Even spent hops can be sent to Lion Nathan for use in their next brew because XXXX is God's beverage of choice.
Dave70 said:
Pokemon Go.

I dont get it.
Nope. My kids seem to have been possesed by aliens or something. They are actually leaving the house and walking around in daylight.
I went for a 2 beer walk. That's about 1 hour with my 7 year old yesterday.
I got told off by the jw's because there cross out the front of there church is a pokestop.
shaunous said:
It wont be long before you dont see horns on cattle, quickly being bred out.
With good reason though, hey. Makes a bully out of any old cow, damages hides, a risk to both man and beast. They're also set too far forward to use as handlebars...

Ahh, fond memories of using the dehorner on a race full of baldies. Look Ma, it's a raining!
Just got a bunch of stuff delivered from Aliexpress
DS18B20 temp probes, prototyping boards, various resistors and jumper cables, all stuff to finish up my CraftBeerPi build
But there was also an Arduino in there I didn't order :/
Guess I'll have to find a use for that now!
Now I can drink from a horn, eat from a wooden plate with an iron spoon and ponder world events whilst twirling my beard clip. A beard clip that contains an immaculately coiffured chin growth resplendent with the finest oils and resins. You can keep your driverless trucks. I'm sticking with my trusty yak.

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