Don't you trust the button?practicalfool said:^ like
+1practicalfool said:Are gonna see comments like 'FFS use the like button!'
Maybe we could ask CM2 nicely to take on that role?practicalfool said:Are gonna see comments like 'FFS use the like button!'
FTFYgoomboogo said:Some thread about Darren Lockyer. A guy has just posted and completely contradicted what he said last night. The funny thing though; he is oblivious.
I hope you work on Labour Day!citymorgue2 said:Wow komodo I didnt expect u to take my bait. So sorry. Not meant for u.
Unions have no place. Over bloated gimme gimme organisations fk b the country then cry when cheaper (prob better qualified workers bought in).
Like teachers l boxing about having performance pay and standards. Omfg por darlings actually havingvto demonstrate they perform. The rest of us do that. And i used to be in govt!
They made beds they can lie in it, money grubbing so and so.
Baits out. Go fetch.
hope youve got the drag set. How do you measure a teachers performance? if a teacher is given a class full of ratbags and slow kids that dont want to learn or cant learn then no matter how good they are or how hard they work they will never look as good as the hopeless and lazy teacher in a good area with well motivated students who want and have the capacity to learn.we know who will get the performance bonuses though dont we. on the subject of unions who else do the poor have to stand up for them? without them we would still have the right wings workchoices act where the rich get richer and the poorer work for whatever crumbs they can get because bussiness making bigger and bigger profits is more important than wether the employee can earn enough to live on and have a little job security to plan for the future. i love how business and right wing nutters complain about the workers having a union to stand up for theyre rights but are more than happy to be members of vecci wich in essence is an employers union. rather hypocritical in my opinion.citymorgue2 said:Wow komodo I didnt expect u to take my bait. So sorry. Not meant for u.
Unions have no place. Over bloated gimme gimme organisations fk b the country then cry when cheaper (prob better qualified workers bought in).
Like teachers l boxing about having performance pay and standards. Omfg por darlings actually havingvto demonstrate they perform. The rest of us do that. And i used to be in govt!
They made beds they can lie in it, money grubbing so and so.
Baits out. Go fetch.