No Time To Brew

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:( Well I know how that feels... New job and have completed one AG beer this year. It has not been all bad as I've been pushed back to partials and K&K's and this has forced me to experiment to a much greater degree with specialist yeasts, devised recipies etc then I ever did with partials or K&K before moving to AG (as I didn't have the knowledge or confidence). I reached a high point the other day when I opened a very nice LCPA devised clone from a Coopers Draft kit which was as good as any AG I've made. Sure, it still wasn't perfect, but I'm happy to do a double batch in the 60l fermenter next time to keep me ahead.

Another aspect which I don't think has been mentioned with kegging is the time saved by not having to wait as long for the beer to condition.

On hols in 8 days and hoping to put down an AG Lanlord :icon_drool2: !

First thing I would look at is the keg setup. I would not be AG brewing without this as I would have stopped brewing years ago.

Then the size of the brew, either some bling like 50L Braumeister, nice! If I didn't have 90% of my 3V already built I would have seriously looked this way.

Or got the huge batches. My current brew day is a 100L BIAB and no-chill, it's been over 6 weeks since I last brewed and it's not an issue. I may push another 100L though this weekend, if I can be bothered at the time. If not then next weekend, I may :lol:

:lol: Sorry, not an option any more.....

The job requires me to lead by example and if i wasn't at work, i'd hate to think what the other fellers would be doing without me there to keep an eye on everything...

well do a team building corporate day at craftbrewer * as part of your leadership development plan
create your corporate "brew"
pissed workers are happy workers
take home a few FWK's on the work AMEX

* not sure if Ross will rent out his whole place or takes AMEX :lol:
Brewer 010 has said it "BRAUMEISTER" makes brewing eaiser but still interesting and fun especially if you can no chill it could be possible to get a few cubes done on one brewday
And throw the bottles kegs are the way!!! you did say money was not a problem anymore ;)
FWK and Kegs

Then when you want to AG again do double BIAB batches or get a 50L braumeister and no chill

Eventually you will end up with a supply of kegs for drinking and cubes for fermenting, as and when you can find some time
i think bandito pulled off something that would right up your alley :ph34r:

failing that, go to BFBIAB - i pushed out a quad batch of CPA a month ago in a 98L pot

it took 5 hours instead of the usual 4 for a double batch. this could be reduced more by heating your strike water to temp the night before via herms or something (or even mash overnight?)

just my 2c
One of my brewing mates now just brews around 90L-ish batches. 4 NC Cubes all in one session. Then he can ferment as required. He has similar time contraints with kids, job, etc.

He misses out on the variety of different beers, however he supplements that with an imported beer or two on a friday night.

And he kegs of course. :)
Some big batches going down!
I just crank out 20L cubes whenever I can and seem to always have something on tap. No chilling really helps, I brew when I can sneak one in, other weekend moments are spent doing all the other stuff this 'job' entails. Fermenting, yeast culturing, cleaning stuff, fixing stuff, managing 'stock', looking for 'staff', he he, the odd sudden onset of weekday 'brew flu' helps once in a while. ;)

70hr weeks! I hope they're seeing you right for them! Massive stretch with the kids and all as well.
Quit. The job sounds lame anyway. Think about it, do you love your job more, or your beer more?
70hrs is crazy! Our forefathers must be rolling in their graves, they fought & died for 8 hour days & 5 day weeks.

Id do it for triple pay, but not for long.

Its not a killer week unless its 90hrs
Thanks for the replies fellas.

P & C: it would cost me an absolute fortune to get rid of the family :lol:

Everyone Else:

Quitting the job is out of the question. 1 Mortage, 3 Kids and a single income......... Plus if you are a fitter and turner or know a fitter and turner, you will all know how hard it is to find an easy-going, good paying, great atmosphere workshop such as i have found. There are no plans to quit at all.

I just sent an e-mail off to braumiester for the 50L (and the 200L B) ) But will go down the FWK and keg setup atm. Atleast when i have spare time, think of all the cubes i will have!
well do a team building corporate day at craftbrewer * as part of your leadership development plan
create your corporate "brew"
pissed workers are happy workers
take home a few FWK's on the work AMEX

* not sure if Ross will rent out his whole place or takes AMEX :lol:

This was brought up today as a "what can we do for the xmas party" question. How awesome would that be? get the workshop 2gether for beers, and show them the love i have for brewing, and i can simply walk home! :D

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