No Head

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gday guys, i bottled my first homebrew on monday after steady hydro reading, and i thought i would give one bottle a crack to see how it goes, a bit early i know. anyway it almost no head, it has bubbles and a light head upon pooring but the head disapears after a min or two, is the brew stuffed or is it way too early to be making judgement. fyi it was a coopers lager toucan, with kit yeast, and half kilo dextrose, i also use the coopers plastic bottles and primed each one with 2 carb drops. also it is very bitter, tastes like VB! :icon_vomit:
Give it a couple of weeks at LEAST before you pass judgement... it probably won't be mother's milk, but you might find it improves a lot better with age.
gday guys, i bottled my first homebrew on monday after steady hydro reading, and i thought i would give one bottle a crack to see how it goes, a bit early i know. anyway it almost no head, it has bubbles and a light head upon pooring but the head disapears after a min or two, is the brew stuffed or is it way too early to be making judgement. fyi it was a coopers lager toucan, with kit yeast, and half kilo dextrose, i also use the coopers plastic bottles and primed each one with 2 carb drops. also it is very bitter, tastes like VB! :icon_vomit:

It's why to early, espeacially in this weather. Be patient! Two weeks usually. Once the pet bottle is hard is usually a good indication.
+1 It needs time.

Or flowers. Flowers seem to work too.
Huh? Ohhhh I get ya... you give the girl flowers and you get... yeah.
so don't expect head on the first date ok thanks for the advice guys, but what about my beer!
It's funny though, she just needs to give me a beer.

The circle of life is amazing, innit?
so no head on the first date ok thanks for the advice guys, but what about my beer!

You got your answer three times. Patience is the key. Also make sure it isn't too cold.
so don't expect head on the first date ok thanks for the advice guys, but what about my beer!

A couple of weeks! The time will give you more carbonation which will help it hold a better head.
If the flowers dont work try chocolates...
I haven't had it for a week either....
Go to the articles section at the top bar on this site.
A top article on getting more head in our beers.

Also plenty of info for the beginner and advanced brewer alike.

Time is your answer of course (as stated by others already), but you may find it lacking head still, even after a month or two.

as others have said, more time is required.
The article is linked in my sig.
I find that i can usually get weak head within 10 days, but it's like getting sex during the grand final, the body is willing the mind just isn't there,....
Give it 3 weeks and the conversation is different....
Don't forget soap on glasses kills head faster than a penthhouse mag at a barmitzvah
If its coopers original lager that comes with the micro hombrew kit give it at least two weeks in the bottle.....and from memory even after two weeks mine did not keep its head. If its coopers european lager from there international series it needs 12 weeks in the bottle.
If after two weeks it still does not keep its head dont fear! still drink it it will still get you pissed! unless it taste and smells like viniger! Chuck it!
Then try some other beers. Coopers pale ale kit is ezy to make, taste good! and keeps its head! id recomend this for a second brew!
Yep, I just rinse my glass with lots of hot tap water at the end of a session and let it drain and dry. Maybe once a fortnight in the dishwasher, as I understand there maybe a build up of stuff (oils, etc).
mine go in the dishwasher nightly, head is reduced but not killed, dishwasher powder is caustic not alkaline like the other washing liquid, it still kills head but not as bad...
Why? No-one reads them anyway..... :rolleyes:


But that's why it was sooo much fun when you had the odd ahem... ohhh I don't know? RANT! See the problem is you've gone all soft and mushy these days. I'm still pulling (re hijacking) threads waaay off topic so I wanna some more rants! :icon_cheers:

Cheers and Beers


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