No Bittering Addition

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Something I will be doing in upcoming brews is not having a bittering addition because all my late additions
(less than 30 mins) give me the IBU I want, was curious what people thought about this, does not having a 60 min addition matter if you are getting you're IBU from the later additions? does the 60min addition achieve anything other than impart the desired bitterness?
For instance if I do an all amarillo american ale and I want craploads of flavour and aroma(planning next), and I have 50g at 30mins, 50g at flameout and dryhop with 50g, that takes it to 32.91 IBU as it is, which is what I want, obviously bitterness is only coming from the 30min addition, but I what that amount for flavour, so 60min addition has got to go, this question is probably aimed more at hop heads like me that want maximum flavour and aroma while keeping the IBU level down.

Something I will be doing in upcoming brews is not having a bittering addition because all my late additions
(less than 30 mins) give me the IBU I want, was curious what people thought about this, does not having a 60 min addition matter if you are getting you're IBU from the later additions? does the 60min addition achieve anything other than impart the desired bitterness?
For instance if I do an all amarillo american ale and I want craploads of flavour and aroma(planning next), and I have 50g at 30mins, 50g at flameout and dryhop with 50g, that takes it to 32.91 IBU as it is, which is what I want, obviously bitterness is only coming from the 30min addition, but I what that amount for flavour, so 60min addition has got to go, this question is probably aimed more at hop heads like me that want maximum flavour and aroma while keeping the IBU level down.



I don't believe you can over-bitter with Amarillo. Put it in when you like and it will be fine.

No harsh bitterness no matter how much you add.


Hey wraith,

There is a hopping method called hopbust that doesnt use any bittering hops and works great for APAs. If you want some more info on it there is a huge thread on the brew board.

Hop Junky
It's called hopbursting. There's plenty of info on it. I've used that quite a few times with APAs and really like it, especially in combination with FWHing. In fact, often I add the hops from 20 onwards.

It's exactly how I do most of my beers... No problem at all.

cheers ross
Wraith, i did exactly that on the weekend..!
amarillo at 30, 25 and 15
then lotsa cascade around 5 and zero...

and i agree with darren too... Amarillo is great for getting high IBU's the bitterness is just great.

I don't believe you can over-bitter with Amarillo. Put it in when you like and it will be fine.

No harsh bitterness no matter how much you add.



agreed, mmmmm Amarillo
My last 5 or 6 APA's have all been hopped at 30min, 15min, 2 min and dryhopped. Works so well I wouldn't consider using 60min hops again.

There's no law that says bittering additions must be at 60 minutes or above. All you do by altering the addition times is change the profile of flavour compounds extracted, formed and lost. Gopher it.
OK, follow up question for those of you adding your first hop addition at 30 min...

If you add your first hop addition at 30 min do you still boil for 60 min+ or can you reduce your boil time without adverse affects?


If you reduce your boil time then you obviously reduce the amount of water you can boil off, so if you're going to do that then you need to factor it into your preboil gravity. Boiling also stabilises the wort by dropping out or driving off unwanted compounds. You can feasibly get away with a half hour boil but it won't be as dead a cert as a 60 or 90 minute one.
Perhaps I'm wrong and stand to be corrected but I thought it good practice to boil until you have hot break before you add any hops. I'm not quite sure of the reason.
I generally boil for either 75 or 90minutes, which I beleive gives a clearer beer in the long run.
I personally wouldn't boil for only 30minutes due to hot break formation occuring when you add your 30minute bittering hops.

I can vouch for the later addition bittering , flavour hops. Ross's beers always have great hop character.
Thanks for asking the question Wraith. Its inspired me to do it on Saturday with an APA.
Guys, as I dont have any brewing software please can someone tell me what IBUs id be looking at if I did this:

23 litre batch

50gms Amarillo @ 30 mins
30gms Amarillo @ 20 mins
20gms Amarillo @ 10 mins
20gms Cascade @ 5 mins
10gms Cascade @ 0 mins

Sounds beautiful to me, thoughts anyone :super:

What are the AA% of the hops and whats the SG preboil?
These are needed to accuratley predict IBU's.
What are the AA% of the hops and whats the SG preboil?
These are needed to accuratley predict IBU's.

dunno AC - havent got the hops yet...not too worry. Thanks anyway, i'll give it a blast anyway!
dunno AC - havent got the hops yet...not too worry. Thanks anyway, i'll give it a blast anyway!


If you don't want to go down the path of buying brewing software the following pages will give you the means to work these things out...

Beer Tools -only 1 recipe at a time without paying but if that's all you want then it isn't bad...The thing I find funny about this one is that you can only use metric measurements if you don't pay :)

I found this one to be the closest of the two and I used them both extensively before buying Beersmith.

Tasty Brew - Imperial measurements only so you have to learn to convert
Thanks bc


you can download the promash software for free -

I use it often (I will fork out the $30 soon and get a propper version) and its good apart from being unable to save or print recipes. But there are ways around free version has done me about 3 or four extract recipes that are all accurate (except the color for some reason).


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