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Right, since my last post I've done quite a few more brews (3 hefe's - including single infusion as well as a single and a double decoction; most recently I did a pilsner)

Now I'm keen to try a helles.

So I'm after some advice/help with a few things.
So far I'm planning a grain bill consisting of 90% pils and 10% munich I;

The mash schedule is where I need my help!
From what I gather you dont HAVE to do a protein rest, and its 50/50 between communities on whether you should or not.

With a protein rest I would go

57 degrees for 15mins
68 degrees for 60 or so
and then raise to mash out

Then 90 min boil with 60 min addition of hallertau to around 25 IBU
possibly s189 to ferment at 10 degrees, then diacetyl rest and lagering stage

Anyone that can give me any further guidance or changes to what I'm doing is greatly appreciated, still learning!

If it were me, id drop the protein rest down in temp a bit, to something like 53-55 deg. 57 seems a bit too high to me, but im no expert!
More reading on the subject recommends avoiding a protein rest - all about ruining head retention and making a thin watery beer with highly modified malts, but I have seen numerous threads on it saying the higher temp rests dont cause too many issues

Maybe I'll employ the KISS philosophy and go without for now, and brew later with one
More reading on the subject recommends avoiding a protein rest - all about ruining head retention and making a thin watery beer with highly modified malts, but I have seen numerous threads on it saying the higher temp rests dont cause too many issues

Maybe I'll employ the KISS philosophy and go without for now, and brew later with one

I've just started to play around with step mashing, and the general consensus is a LONG protein rest with fully modified malts is a bad thing, however a short rest is fine, and will help break down medium length proteins and result in a nice creamy head. Lots of people suggesting that a low 70's rest ( or mash out ) has a positive effect on head too.

My first batch is still fermenting so can't tell if it has made a difference yet.

BTW i use an esky and boiling water for step mashing, its not that hard really. But of stuffing around but the second batch went much more smoothly.
I do a "protein rest" only because I can dough in with hot tap water and get zero doughballs. With 2.5L of boiling water in the coffee kettle it's about a 2 minute "rest" at 55C then it's raised to about 61C with the first kettlefull, and mid 60s with the second.

Not really a protein rest, but it increases my efficiency and means I can mash at a powerpoint, anywhere - which is handy if the stove is busy with SWMBO cooking meth a cake. It does wonders for body.

I just brewed a Helles the other day. Its currently in the fermenter, but all signs are that its going to rock :)

I did a BIAB 15 min 49C protein rest, 75 min 66C sach rest and 78C mashout over 5 minutes

All weyermann malts.
A 55 degree rest for 5-10 minutes will definitely NOT kill head retention. Also try a rest at 72 for 10 m inutes after your main mash step. Should get a head that will threaten your neighbours. Nick's picture is similar to my experience mashing this way.
German breweries used to all use decoction mashes, but nowadays most have migrated to stepped infusion mashes with the more modern malts.

If you are doing a protein rest then these mashes on the "braukaiser wiki" might interest you.
A 55 degree rest for 5-10 minutes will definitely NOT kill head retention. Also try a rest at 72 for 10 m inutes after your main mash step. Should get a head that will threaten your neighbours. Nick's picture is similar to my experience mashing this way.
Is that your mash out temp or do u increase again for mash out?
Increase to about 77 for mash out.

Typical mash for me with anything German or Belgian is 55/62-4/67-8/72/77 (5 mins/10/50/10/10). Great body and head, attenuates well, malty with a dry finish.

probably far from necessary but I'm not in a hurry when I brew and I love the results. Recently scored a 1st place at Vicbrew with an alt mashed this way.
Well I finally got around to giving it a go

Ended up a little short on my targets but what can you do

Did 52/64/68/77 (10/30/30/10)

and only a single hop addition @ 60 mins

Currently cooling in the fridge for pitching @ around 12 degrees

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