News Flash - Rhizomes At $19.95 On Ebay Now No Bidding.

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Ein Stein
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Ebay seller Lochrockingbeats has rhizomes available! Buy it now prices, so no paying $75 for a stumpy stick that may or may not grow! Woohoo! :D

- Hersbrucker
- Chinook
- Cluster

Get in quick. Just picked up a Hersbrucker. $19.95 plus $5 postage. There was 20 left.
crap would not mind a hersbrucker but my ebay account is locked! Have not used it for so long.
Wait till next winter.

I'll be giving them away for free. <_<
Good work Hopping Mad
I just addded cluster and hersbruker to my collection... sweet!
Wait till next winter.

I'll be giving them away for free. <_<

Sounds good to me, I'll have something I can swap with you as well, either Goldings or Tettnang, I have three chinook and two POR I am raising from "bits of wood" so I might have one of them as well!

ordered a Hersbrucker. Not too sure how well it will go in Qld but will give it a go.
After reading all the hop growing threads and seeing all the photos I couldn't resist for $25 delivered. Just ordered a Chinook.
Cheers fellas! Figured these things are hard enough to find and the prices are steep enough on "Exortion Bay" normally we could all use a little help. :icon_chickcheers:

i got oredered a cluster and Hersbrucker
already goat POR and chinhook :)

both my 2 have shooted and about 1ft tall but how well do they go in CQ (rockhampton)
- Hersbrucker
- Chinook
- Cluster

Get in quick. Just picked up a Hersbrucker. $19.95 plus $5 postage. There was 20 left.

I thought you were complaining about the price till everyone chimed in at what a deal it is.

I feel for you if that is what you have to pay down under. Will not upset you with what they cost here.
I thought you were complaining about the price till everyone chimed in at what a deal it is.

I feel for you if that is what you have to pay down under. Will not upset you with what they cost here.

Oz has strict quarantine laws regarding importation of plant material from Overseas. Otherwise we'd be grabbing them from your shores at better prices. US stores like can't sell to us sadly.

You have to bear in mind that a lot of us in Australia (myself included) have watched rhizomes in July and August fetching prices on for $112 (yes stupid - I know) for a single cascade rhizome. The majority have refused to support this nonsense.

I myself have bought rhizomes from one of our sponsors Gryphon Brewing for a sensible price ($25 each) when they were available there, but have also been hanging on until the end of the planting season (which is now for us down in the southern hemisphere) to see if any go begging on ebay at non-inflated prices. Thankfully that time has come as ebay hoppers realise that demand for their stuff will soon dry up (pardon the pun) as our weather hots up.

I agree with any sentiment that these rhizomes should be swapped and made more freely available, and have registered my own rhizomes on the wiki section, so that I can cut some root growth off in colder months next year and share with people then. If my Herbrucker arrives safe I'll put that on the register. The more people in Oz who have a few in the backyard, and encourage swaps here and throught their clubs and mates, the less crazy the prices will be.

Cheers, :)

Just ordered a Cluster and Hersbrucker... there are bugger all left now, but happy that these fit my 2 favourite beer types, american ales and german lagers :)

hi there,

im new to this, i suck at it, but hope to get better... ;) i love the aussie pale ales ect and wouldnt mind growing so hops... which of these 3 would suit best?
im sure theres about 600000000 varietys.... but remember i suck and have no idea.

hi there,

im new to this, i suck at it, but hope to get better... ;) i love the aussie pale ales ect and wouldnt mind growing so hops... which of these 3 would suit best?
im sure theres about 600000000 varietys.... but remember i suck and have no idea.


Most aussie beers actually use Pride of Ringwood hops (like coopers pale and the CUB beers). Not for sale with this guy.

The cluster hop is used primarily in Australia by XXXX as a bittering hop.

The Hersbrucker is a German noble hop and is used in European style beers, ie. lagers and wheats. Closely related to Hallertau and often supplemented for it.

For info on varieties go to and type in 'hop varieties' it will give you a comprehensive list with their characteristics.
well add a cluster to my purchase as well now.

grow 1 at my place and 1 at the oldies.

larry66 - POR is the typical aussie hop

Cluster used by XXXX and allot of American breweries

Chinook good bittering addition, slightly piney on the nose as well High AA so can be astringent to some.
thanks again guys your always so prompt and helpful..... i'd offer you a homebrew but it would be like offering Gordon Ramsey my baked beans on toast...