Newbie Keg Question

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I am new to the forum so Id like to say hello to everyone,

Ive been brewing for about 6months just using fermenter / bottling technique but i really want to get into kegging.
just want to know from you guys what would be the best first step for me in terms of a simple 1keg setup and
roughly how much it costs? where i can buy one online or would i be better off getting a second hand system?
any good deals going on at the moment? any info would be great!

Thanks guys,
oh another question too -

I dont understand how much room i need to leave at the top of my fermenter ... i actually didnt know i had to do this at all.

So what ive done is - i have a 25 litre fermenter and its filled to the 23 liter mark ... what are the consequences and why ?

thanks- shaun.
oh another question again...

Is there any reason (apart from storage capacity) why you cant keep your gas bottle in the fridge with the bottles? or does it stuff up the pressure etc?
Ok the gas bottle can go in fridge however what happens is the gas particles get smaller or become more condensed. Making beer over gased as it warms. I think it was either Henry, Dalton or old mate Boyles law. So to make life easy keep gas bottle out of fridge!! As to the question about the fermenter what happens if you over fill it is very easy to explain.. The yeast spills over giving all the bad things a chance to mess up your beer!!!
oh another question too -

I dont understand how much room i need to leave at the top of my fermenter ... i actually didnt know i had to do this at all.

So what ive done is - i have a 25 litre fermenter and its filled to the 23 liter mark ... what are the consequences and why ?

thanks- shaun.

Are you sure it's only a 25 litre fermenter? Most 30 litre fermenters have markings up the side that only go up to 25, but will obviously hold more.

Somebody may correct me on this, but my knowledge of headspace is that it's only required to allow for the krausen (yeasty bubbles) - some yeast strains such as those for wheat beers have a very high krausen, and to avoid a sticky mess in your airlock and the sides of your fermenter you ideally want to leave headroom for this - you'll see people using glass carboys often attach a blowoff tube that vents into a bucket of water etc.

As for the gas bottle, a very large number of people store theirs in the fridge without any issue. The only concern some people have is that your regulator could be prone to damage if your thermostat fails and/or your fridge is susceptible to freezing things that are at the back (this is generally the coldest part of a fridge, and where most people store their gas).


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