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Sir Rupert de Pot

New Member
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Hello All I have just got three kegs two with elements and thermostats and now need some advice on what to do next. I haven't yet got a pump or false bottom for the mash tun. How do I keep the temp correct in the mash tun I assume you retriculate the water back throught the HLT so what would my start level of water be fora 50lt brew. :icon_chickcheers:
Hello All I have just got three kegs two with elements and thermostats and now need some advice on what to do next. I haven't yet got a pump or false bottom for the mash tun. How do I keep the temp correct in the mash tun I assume you retriculate the water back throught the HLT so what would my start level of water be fora 50lt brew. :icon_chickcheers:
From what you've posted , i'm thinking your getting confused with HERMS and simple 3 tier brewing...
Most of us who do not have HERMS (yet) have insulated our mash tun. You can use those foam camping mats to insulate your mash tun . Or, like me , you could use some insulation that mechanical plumbers use on duct work...foil insulation with polyester backing...
As for your level of water for a 50 liter brew , well that is dependant on your water to grain ratio , your required sparge amount , your boil...a few factors..
You will find that you may struggle to do a 50 litre brew in a 50 litre keg will need some head space ,so that you don't have boil overs etc...
You will need alot of sparge water too...i brew 40 litres and have a 50 litre HLT...and thats just enough...
Maybe if your starting out in the grain brewing , try doing some simple, single brews , get to know your system and brewing technique and go from there...
You will also need a bit more gear...esp false bottom and an immersion don't need a pump if your gravity brewing...
Hello All I have just got three kegs two with elements and thermostats and now need some advice on what to do next. I haven't yet got a pump or false bottom for the mash tun. How do I keep the temp correct in the mash tun I assume you retriculate the water back throught the HLT so what would my start level of water be fora 50lt brew. :icon_chickcheers:

For starters if you are useing 50L kegs as pots you will not be able to brew 50L, unless you brew high gravity beers and add water at the end of the boil. In the kettle you will have evaporation loss and also contend with boil over. When i was useing 50L kettles the most i could boil was around the 42L mark and i had to constantly watch for boil over.

The mash keg will need a false bottom of some sort and then it will hold temp within 3C for the hour it will take to convert the starches to sugar. This works fine no recirc necessary just do single or double infusion mashes.

Oh by the way if none of this makes sense look up John Palmers How to brew its free on the net or you can buy a hard copy. The book has far more info then the free web based service.

You can do without a pump if your system is gravity fed but if you want in a single tier then buy a march pump or something similar.

Water required for brewing will depend on your grain bill and mash tun capacity plus losses within your system. Try to get around 2-3L per kg of grain for mashin and conversion and then have the required sparge water ready at temp to hit your desired volume wether you are fly or batch spargeing.

Wish I could just get all of that stuff . . ..and on my 1st post as well hahaha

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