The farmer Mark Branson's closing comments is what impressed me the most, his smile, personality, and enthusiasm made a huge positive impression on me. Too me it's people with attitudes like his that offer the key to unlocking Australia's huge positive potential possibilities in the years ahead. Political leaders everywhere have become so negative I think they've become incapable of offering any positive leadership, thinking, or results. Maybe we as individuals just need to focus more on what Australia might be better for us having lived here and get on with making it better ourselves as individuals while we can.
personally believe politicians these days should be called
'de-motivators' as they've become such negative & depressing entities. We're living in the best place in the world so lets start appreciating it enjoy the ride into the future with new creative idea's that other countries wished they'd thought of first.
Anyway my main point is that people like Mark Branson are what really make me feel what a great country Australia is. A positive attitude, down to earth character, great smile, and likes beer