Hiya everyone,
First let me introduce myself i`m john and my partner is jen.
Were both new to home brewing.
So i thought i`d get advice before i blow the kitchen up :beerbang:
I`d like to brew a beer similar in flavour and taste to corona.
At $60 for a carton i thought it would be wiser and a bit more fun to brew my onw.
My local brew shop, " the bake and brew" has said he can tailor make a kit to meet my needs and add what i need and what i dont need.
I am going to brew inside as i feel that it is easier to control the temperature.. i have been told the optimum temp is between 17-20 degrees, is this right?
I am also going to use glass stubbiy bottles and ive been told old wine bottles can be used as well, so i`ll try a few of those.
If anyone has a recipe i can use it would be much obliged, also any advice would be greatly appreciated.
First let me introduce myself i`m john and my partner is jen.
Were both new to home brewing.
So i thought i`d get advice before i blow the kitchen up :beerbang:
I`d like to brew a beer similar in flavour and taste to corona.
At $60 for a carton i thought it would be wiser and a bit more fun to brew my onw.
My local brew shop, " the bake and brew" has said he can tailor make a kit to meet my needs and add what i need and what i dont need.
I am going to brew inside as i feel that it is easier to control the temperature.. i have been told the optimum temp is between 17-20 degrees, is this right?
I am also going to use glass stubbiy bottles and ive been told old wine bottles can be used as well, so i`ll try a few of those.
If anyone has a recipe i can use it would be much obliged, also any advice would be greatly appreciated.