New Beer And Brewer Mag

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AHB,s resident home brew guru.Good to see a member making the latest edition.
Love those shiny tap handles Ross. ;)

Big D

For those that aren't aware, Big D made me those fabulous S/S handles :wub:
It was a worrying time when he sent them, as took Auspost several weeks to get them here, I honestly thought they'd been lost...

Cheers Ross
i had a look and was delighted and disappointed.
it looks cool and modern, which is what brewing needs
but the miniscule font sizing on some pages (is this a preview or is it the article?... oh, it's the article) and blatant spelling errors IMO weren't worthy of paying hard earned for. especially after issue 3 to iron out the kinks.

edit - looking forward to seeing what a new editor can do though :)
Hello all,

Matt Kirkegaard here, I was recently appointed editor of B&B - I'm a long-time lurker on AHB (hence my review in the current edition of the mag).

Just wanted to post to say thanks for all the guys who have supported the mag to date - there have been a few problems, including changing of editorial staff that have led to the little errors that you have noticed, though they seem to be mainly spielimg errors and not major issues about facts - embarassing from my point of view, irritating to the readers and they need to be fixed but hopefully they haven't undermined the credibility of the mag.

uneekwahn: shoot me your postal address ( and I will get ed 1 in the mail for you this week. David Lipman, the publisher, has been a bit of an administrative one man band to date, so some of the admin side of things slips when you're trying to get a mag up and running. That might also explain the time delay in getting the mag out. That said, if you like the mag, subscribe. It's better all round, and if you like the mag and want to ensure it survives, that's the way to do it.

Any feedback that you guys have on the mag - please send it through. I hope it doesn't put anyone off that I'm on AHB (we can only improve the mag if we know what the perceived problems are). Australia needs a good quality beer culture and lifestyle and home brewing mag - and that is what we want to provide. Please let us know how we're getting on, and if you like the mag subscribe.

Also, don't let Ross be the only home brew guru. If you are or know anyone who has a great home brew set up, home bar or any ideas for stories, let us know and we'll see what we can do.


Matt Kirkegaard

I agree with Tangent, in that the really small print in places, especially over colour, is near impossible for me to read, even with my specs on.
Otherwise i reckon the mix of articles is great - I find it a really interesting read.

Edit: ....& welcome to AHB...don't be a stranger :)

cheers Ross
spielimg errors


just a quick edit, have only glossed over the third issue as it's only just arrived in the mail but one thing that got my goat was the recipe's in the prevoius two mags weren't very specific and were all over the place no efficiency's no aa% of hops etc, just very rough and ready.

Welcome to the site Matt.Hope you poke your head over this way now and again.Love your mag and reckon its a good shot in the arm for all beer enthusiasts.The mag can only get better with good solid input and the occasional criticism.Gotta agree with the guys about the fine print and printing over pics.It doesnt always work and can be a pain to read.
Also good to see a food section and all the guys here that have been making there own cheese will love the beer/cheese section in the latest addition.
I havent subscribed as yet but hope me buying the last edition at the local newsagency keeps you above water.They must be popular as last time they had quite a few mags but this time only the one left.

Big D
Bloody great mag in my opinion !

As for the small print ( i notice now that its pointed out ) , i guess its a trade off for content e.t.c ?
Keep it up guys,
Hi Matt
Thanks for dropping in at the brewery the other day. I bought a copy on Friday and along with a new Australian Mountain Bike magasine, I had a very enjoyable weekend on the couch with a frosty one in my left paw (and one balanced on my head for good measure). Good one. I'll send some thoughts by pm when I get some time.
Hello all,

Matt Kirkegaard here, I was recently appointed editor of B&B - I'm a long-time lurker on AHB (hence my review in the current edition of the mag).

Matt, who are your target audience ? Read the 3rd edition over weekend and wonder if you are trying too hard to satisfy too widespread a readership. Do you think you are now reaching your target audience with the third edition ?

(For the record I have no links with any publishing houses or anything in the beer industry apart from being a poor homebrewer)

PS - Without opening up a can of worms for you, what contributions apart from financial subscriptions could bloggers within AHB wish to contribute articles to the mag ?
Thanks for running the Yorke Brewing story in the end (Page 14), every little bit of publicity helps! :)

Great story and pics mate! Its great to see a dedicated brewer and AHB regular like your self get good coverage!

I love the mag and cant wait for every issue! Keep up the good work Kirko (Matt)!

Cheers, :beerbang:

a.k.a Justin Murdock
Yorke Brewing
Yeah print size-vs-content is a problem.
One magazine(non brewing) that I used to buy had print that was fine, but enough people complained and they increased the size and spacing, the content fell massively with no increase in the number of pages to make up for it. I pulled my subscription, I don't think I was alone.
Guys -

Overwhelmed by the response and the feedback, thanks!

Specific replies -

Re print size - I agree, it's something that we need to work on to make sure that it is easily readable - especially after a few beers have been downed!

Dig - it was a pleasure. Thanks for your time and hospitality. It was only a shame that we couldn't sample the whole range, but that's the problem when you're on a driving tour. Sensational steak sanga too!

Fatgodzilla - hard question to answer and at risk of spouting the Gospel according to Matthew, here's my thoughts. Being the only Aus beer mag, we are a pretty broad church. I guess we are really trying to offer something to anyone with an interest in beer...whether it's you guys who are active home brewers or beer lovers with info on beer tourism, beer and food or beer culture, there is a bit for industry and a bit for those guys to whom imported macro lagers are the best thing in the beer world...though we aim to take them on a journey of discovery and show them the possibilities. It can't be all things to everyone, but at the same time the beer enthusiasts market alone can't support a mag like this either. The mag is trying to capture some of the excitement of the times for beer and brewing. As for me personally, I came at it from that point of view that I would hate for beer to develop the snobbishness of wine, but would still love to see beer more appreciated generally. I would love to see a stronger beer culture develop broadly in Australia (rather than just a culture involving beer) and hope that in a small way a magazine like B&B can help fuel that. As for contributions, we would welcome any ideas for stories.

D'Oh. I forgot that we subscribed to this at work. Now I have three copies.
Matt, thanks for that, but David has already beaten you to the punch.

Like I said before, I've got no issues with the magazine, I think it's awesome, but I was just a little disappointed with the poor response I received regarding my subscription queries.

Keep up the great work.



uneekwahn: shoot me your postal address ( and I will get ed 1 in the mail for you this week. David Lipman, the publisher, has been a bit of an administrative one man band to date, so some of the admin side of things slips when you're trying to get a mag up and running. That might also explain the time delay in getting the mag out. That said, if you like the mag, subscribe. It's better all round, and if you like the mag and want to ensure it survives, that's the way to do it.

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