Nelson Sauvin

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You may call me an uneducated buffon but this is taking a beer where it doesn't belong IMHO....

Have to disagree Matti. Now I know this beer isn't to everyone's tastes (I absolutely LOVE it, my favourite Aussie brewed beer) but I think it is a good thing that beer can be pulled in many different directions. I believe it can only be a positive thing for the boundaries of beer to be stretched.

I was lucky enough to try Utopia from Sam Adams brewery in the states while down at the Ballarat Uni, it was the 2003 vintage and 25% alc! (I think this years' version is 27% and the strongest beer in the world). It was definately as far removed from 'beer' as antything I have ever tried but delicious none-the-less.

It tasted like a maple syrupy port and I reckon it would have gone really well with blue cheese. (at about 200USD a 330ml bottle I suppose you would expect it to be pretty special!)

Saying that I also tried their triple bock which was by far the most disgusting beer I have ever tried.

IMO it would be a boring world if we can't experiment with the limits of what people expect beer to be like.

Cheers and a merry xmas to all ahbers.
I am glad that you enjoy this beer and the experience.
I was expecting a Bavarian Style Lager and it was nothing like it.
Though I hate to categorize beer and put limits on what you can brew but this one merely didn't agree with me.

Happy brewing all
I am glad that you enjoy this beer and the experience.
I was expecting a Bavarian Style Lager and it was nothing like it.
Though I hate to categorize beer and put limits on what you can brew but this one merely didn't agree with me.

Happy brewing all

Hey Matti,

In many ways I agree. The Knappstein was different and is Musky. I presume it is presented to "wine buffs" who, with their misses, can feel cunforble talking about grape and fruits.

It is a hop-flavour I do enjoy but am unsure I could get used to. Not enough bitterness for me (not something you want to mention to winos). I have tried a couple of HB versions. To me, all were similar to what I expected in a Kolsch given the description in BJCP guidelines for aroma and flavour (winey).

Of note, the Koelsh's I had in Germany (only two) were anything other than what I expected and more like light bittered Aussie Swill.


Howdy ya'll.... I've brewed 2 of these so far, the second being a low gravity version for Xmas, which was very tasty last night.

I find the Pacific Hallertauer to be a good match with Nelson Sauvin.

The recipe below if the first version... but they're both the same... just scaled back for the lower gravity version. This one turned out at 6.1%. It's dangerous... can't tell it's so high.... too easy to drink.

BeerSmith Recipe Printout -

Recipe: AG08 - Half Nelson Lager

Brewer: Bonj

Asst Brewer:

Style: Premium American Lager

TYPE: All Grain

Taste: (35.0)

Recipe Specifications


Batch Size: 23.00 L

Boil Size: 28.44 L

Estimated OG: 1.049 SG

Estimated Color: 6.0 EBC

Estimated IBU: 25.6 IBU

Brewhouse Efficiency: 69.00 %

Boil Time: 90 Minutes



Amount		Item									  Type		 % or IBU

5.25 kg	   Pale Malt, Galaxy (Barrett Burston) (3.0 EGrain		100.00 %

10.00 gm	  Nelson Sauvin [11.90 %]  (60 min)		 Hops		 11.7 IBU

12.00 gm	  Pacific Hallertau [6.90 %]  (20 min)	  Hops		 4.9 IBU

12.00 gm	  Nelson Sauvin [11.90 %]  (20 min)		 Hops		 8.5 IBU

7.00 gm	   Pacific Hallertau [6.90 %]  (2 min)	   Hops		 0.4 IBU

2.00 gm	   KoppaFloc (Boil 15.0 min)				 Misc

11.00 gm	  PH 5.2 Stabilizer (Mash 60.0 min)		 Misc

1 Pkgs		SafLager German Lager (DCL Yeast #S-189)  Yeast-Lager

Single infusion mash at 63deg.
I am glad that you enjoy this beer and the experience.
I was expecting a Bavarian Style Lager and it was nothing like it.
Though I hate to categorize beer and put limits on what you can brew but this one merely didn't agree with me.

Happy brewing all

Hi Matti,

if I was expecting a german style beer,I would be extremely disappointed.(Dont think it was ever touted as a german/Cezh beer)

It is something a bit different,as said before if we didn't strive for different tastes/flavours we'd be condemned to the past.

Many new popular beers,have only been around since the 1970's.

While old traditional beers,definately have their place,so do modern ones.

Some of my favourite styles are old world,but i also have a love for some of the newer styles

But thats just me tho :)
Brewed the following lager about 1/12. Can' say I'm a big fan of it as a lager it is so assertive that I don't get anything but NS. It does taste very Sauvignon Blanc like but hey I like that in my wine not my beer.

I am an Amarillo addict but wouldn't waste a lager on that either. Live and learn.

Does the flavour get any milder with time?
Kevin07 Days Pilsner

A ProMash Brewing Session - Recipe Details Report

Recipe Specifics

Batch Size (L): 42.00 Wort Size (L): 42.00
Total Grain (kg): 8.20
Anticipated OG: 1.046 Plato: 11.34
Anticipated SRM: 11.0
Anticipated IBU: 35.1
Brewhouse Efficiency: 75 %
Wort Boil Time: 60 Minutes

Formulas Used


% Amount Name Origin Potential SRM
48.8 4.00 kg. Pilsner - Galaxy Australia 1.037 1
2.4 0.20 kg. Carafa (this was an accident - thought it was a v light crystal until I milled it)
48.8 4.00 kg. Weyermann Pilsner Germany 1.038 2

Potential represented as SG per pound per gallon.


Amount Name Form Alpha IBU Boil Time
25.00 g. Nelson Sauvin NZ Pellet 12.20 23.9 60 min.
35.00 g. Nelson Sauvin NZ Pellet 12.20 11.3 20 min.
30.00 g. Nelson Sauvin NZ Pellet 12.20 0.0 0 min.


DCL Yeast S-189 SafLager German Lager
I reckon it does Enoch. I've got a double batch thats about 8-9 weeks in the keg. I think the flavour has smoothed out from the initial two week tasting. I did use a lot of flavour hops but having said that I think it's a first class drop! :D
Thanks Razz. I don't mind drinking it :chug: but it is just way bigger than I had expected and a bit of a shock against the nice Bo Pils on another tap which is subtle and a crowd favourite.
I did a pale ale made with 100% NS and the wort fresh from the kettle almost burned. Not because the wort was hot (it was cooled), but because it had a really nasty pepper-alcohol cross kind of burn. Back of the throat burn. It did fade. I recently made an IPA made with a mixture of hops throughout. That mix was 40% glacier 40% target and 20% NS (by weight). It didn't have the same burn until I took a keg to my homebrew club meeting (yesterday actually) and when the sediment at the bottom of the keg got stirred up I detected the same burn. Once the beer cleared, the burn disappeared. Whatever causes it obviously settles out of the beer over time.

I've found that the character of this hop is a classic love it or hate it kind of thing. I really like it, but you're right that it can be overwhelming. The hop character of all beers tends to fade over time so be patient and it should become more to your liking. If you keg your beer you can accelerate the effect by venting the pressure from the keg often. Some of the hop's aromatic oils (responsible for flavour as well) will evaporate from the beer and help to mellow its character.
Hi newguy,have you tried the ns with cascade,I for some reason got off side with cascade and stopped using it.Bad mistake
I have fallen in love with it again.

I really believe these two hops would work,on so many different levels,with each other.
I'm not newguy but I have used NS and Cascade. Worked well for me and did ok in the Bathurst comp IIRC. I'd say go for it. Next time I use NS I'm thinking I'd try another combination. Either Amarillo for a full on fruit salad effect, or Pacific Hallertau as a moderating influence. Hmm, decisions decisions. :p
My last use of NS also used Amarillo and Chinook. I put some of it in a party keg for a gathering of friends and did not get to taste it.

I don't mind it myself! :D
I'm not newguy but I have used NS and Cascade. Worked well for me and did ok in the Bathurst comp IIRC. I'd say go for it. Next time I use NS I'm thinking I'd try another combination. Either Amarillo for a full on fruit salad effect, or Pacific Hallertau as a moderating influence. Hmm, decisions decisions. :p

I have a wheat beer with 25g d-saaz and 15g NS flowers dry hopped (I wanted to test the match)...holy ****! Talk about fruity - it's actually really nice but for future beers I will be upping the malt to balance it a bit. As a lawn mower beer it is great, really refreshing. My wife reckons it tastes like guavas.
I am drinking another (summer ale) beer bittered with amarillo, with NS and amarillo flavour/aroma and its a nice, refined, fruity flavour.

I'd like to try a NS - Cascade beer, do you have any other details on your one?

Well I dont wont A FULL ON fruit affect,might have to drag some southern cross thru it,bit of green bullet maybe
I'm actually away from home this weekend, and I just remember it as a nice mix. ;) Will try to post something next week when I can look at my notes, but it got second in the Bathurst comp so it must have been ok. B)
I'm actually away from home this weekend, and I just remember it as a nice mix. ;) Will try to post something next week when I can look at my notes, but it got second in the Bathurst comp so it must have been ok. B)

cool, PM me if you can - I'll probably forget to look this thread up in a week or so... :chug:
I used Hallertau Pacific and NS in a brew recently Stuster, it was OK but I did get the feeling that the NS was somewhat hidden behind the pacific. I didn't really get any of those raved about flavours as they were all a bit muted.

I'd be interested to see what it would be like with Amarillo and Cascade respectively. I haven't actually used cascade as yet,( not enough time spent brewing unfortunately but it's on the list) but I do think the Amarillo and NS would be well matched in 'amarillo moderation', as I think the subtleties of NS are easy to mute out.
Hi newguy,have you tried the ns with cascade,I for some reason got off side with cascade and stopped using it.Bad mistake
I have fallen in love with it again.

I really believe these two hops would work,on so many different levels,with each other.

No, I've only used NS twice so far and neither time involved cascade. I think you're right, though, that the two would mix quite well.
i have done apa with those 3 not bad a bit of fruit salad needs to be balanced
...nelson milk and grape seed...what a good profile to add to a beer....ppfttt..

....count me as part of the group , who in 5 years says "nelson who ? ".....

...yes, i know i might be the only one in that group....

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