Nelson Sauvin

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Dr_k,my suggestion was only for an all NS brew,if using other hops perle/northern brewer are great bittering hops for later NS additions.

Pile the NS as late adds.

Oh and NS will never muddy the water ;)
maybe our tastebuds are not as dainty as yours PM ;)

Dainty? I like 100IBU beers and give them huge amounts of late hops to back them up as well. atm, I have a 70+IBU 1.065 IPA in a cube that has 70g of late hops (EKG, Fuggles and Amarillo). I don't fear the hop, but use each hop according to it's characteristics.

I've found that NS has an industrial solvent character to it when used in large amounts. It might be my brewing methods, it might be the hop, it might be a bit of both, hell, it could just be my palate. When I make a summer ale, much like many commercial breweries, I use only two additions, one at 60 mins to bitter and one in the whirlpool. How much goes in depends on the gravity and the ingredients. I like balance in my pale beers, not just HOPS HOPS HOPS HOPS HOPS!!!!!
Dainty? I like 100IBU beers and give them huge amounts of late hops to back them up as well. atm, I have a 70+IBU 1.065 IPA in a cube that has 70g of late hops (EKG, Fuggles and Amarillo). I don't fear the hop, but use each hop according to it's characteristics.

I've found that NS has an industrial solvent character to it when used in large amounts. It might be my brewing methods, it might be the hop, it might be a bit of both, hell, it could just be my palate. When I make a summer ale, much like many commercial breweries, I use only two additions, one at 60 mins to bitter and one in the whirlpool. How much goes in depends on the gravity and the ingredients. I like balance in my pale beers, not just HOPS HOPS HOPS HOPS HOPS!!!!!

Industrial solvent hey, that is interesting, I think that individuals can be very sensative to different compounds. I seem to be very sensative to hydrogen sulphide and can pick it up big time where others can't detect it at all. I take back the dainty call PM, you ARE a hop ledgend.


POmo I agree about over doing it,NS can be solvent/**** when overdone,but when done right it is sensational.

I dont over hop a beer for the sake of it.But I guess you have never done an all NS to test it?

ANy fleetwood mac fans?
POmo I agree about over doing it,NS can be solvent/**** when overdone,but when done right it is sensational.

I dont over hop a beer for the sake of it.But I guess you have never done an all NS to test it?

ANy fleetwood mac fans?

Each to their own I guess, I am drinking the above recipe right now and for the life of me can not taste any solvent/****.


i brewed the Full Nelson Summer Ale back in june, (a summer ale in winter) 4500 MO - .500 Wheat - 20gm @ 60 - 10gm @ 10 - 10gm @ 2, about 27 ibu, went down well here, even the teetotal er indoors liked it.
Thanks Steve :super: I made your lager from the recipes above and it's BLOODY FANTASTIC [sorry for shouting] :unsure:
I used the Swiss Lager yeast from Ross and fermented it at 10c,a rest when done, kegged and into CC [well it is a lager] can't wait to put this one on tap.
It's a winner.

This beer is now on tap and is my "go to tap" at the moment ;) if you like Nelson Sauvin try this recipe [posted above] with the Swiss Lager yeast. :rolleyes: Very nice.
This beer is now on tap and is my "go to tap" at the moment ;) if you like Nelson Sauvin try this recipe [posted above] with the Swiss Lager yeast. :rolleyes: Very nice.

Good to see you've got a lite beer on tap mate :rolleyes:
This beer is now on tap and is my "go to tap" at the moment ;) if you like Nelson Sauvin try this recipe [posted above] with the Swiss Lager yeast. :rolleyes: Very nice.

Tasted it yesterday, that is one well balanced lager. All of this talk re sensitivity, I seem to be uber sensitive of late to the breadiness (best way I can describe it) aroma/flavour of WPils. Have been subing with 50% Galaxy lately to drop the aroma in my lagers. The NS aroma in Bindi's beer was quite low in comparison to a lot of NS beers I've sampled, however it just masked the WPils aroma beautifully. Found the bitterness and aroma was less in your face in comparison to Knappstein and I thought this HB example was a better lager.

Nelson Sauvin is NZ-hop, right?
My hop-sheet has it as a dual hop with grape fruit note as flavour.
Seemingly high in Alpha acids I wonder what it's like for bittering.
I seem to gone hopping mad lately and trying to avoid over hopping so I can enjoy a regular beer from time to time. :eek:
It appear some of you are using it at lagers hop as well. :huh:
Is this NZ Lagers?
I am only researching ATM.
Is there any commercial drop there is should try to get a feeling of this hop other then Knappstein?
Tasted it yesterday, that is one well balanced lager. All of this talk re sensitivity, I seem to be uber sensitive of late to the breadiness (best way I can describe it) aroma/flavour of WPils. Have been subing with 50% Galaxy lately to drop the aroma in my lagers. The NS aroma in Bindi's beer was quite low in comparison to a lot of NS beers I've sampled, however it just masked the WPils aroma beautifully. Found the bitterness and aroma was less in your face in comparison to Knappstein and I thought this HB example was a better lager.


Testify! Balance is the key to great beer. There are times when hops should be in your face, but I don't think NS is the hop for that job.
Nelson Sauvin is NZ-hop, right?
My hop-sheet has it as a dual hop with grape fruit note as flavour.
Seemingly high in Alpha acids I wonder what it's like for bittering.
I seem to gone hopping mad lately and trying to avoid over hopping so I can enjoy a regular beer from time to time. :eek:
It appear some of you are using it at lagers hop as well. :huh:
Is this NZ Lagers?
I am only researching ATM.
Is there any commercial drop there is should try to get a feeling of this hop other then Knappstein?
grape is one characteristic. I find a honey aspect early on if a larger late addition is used. Even some muted passionfruit was something my father commented on. It is a white wine like hop...
As far as I know Knappstein is the only current beer widely available beer using it, at least on it's own. Others may know better...
The first JS Hop Thief also used it, which was where I discovered it. THe second run of hop thief used US hops, and was a poorer beer for mine.
I wouldn't necessarily classify lagers being made as NZ lagers just because they use a NZ hop. They probably aren't a particular style yet, more still classified, if you want to, under the style of beer you use as the base.
Nice! well looks like i'll have to do an ns lager at some stage :D
Didn't quite read all the previous posts so this may have been mentioned before. But I just had a beer called Knappstein Lager available at Dan Murphy stores (yes I do work there, only aas a casual but) that was awesome. It claims to be brewed using sauvin hops and has a really nice flavour, fruity and floral the bottle describes it as. Is this the same flavour everyone gets using nelson sauvin? If so Im gonna give it a go!
Yes,but once used to it,you may be addicted ;)

For 18 months now.I have always had a version of NSSA on tap.Due to work and **** have not had time to brew.

Three weeks off,will resupply my fav simple ale.

I made a mistake only buying a 60L kettle.If buying a a Kettle,buy bigger you wont regret it .
I am sipping on a Knappstein Reserve lager from Clare Valley.
Its is a novelty beer that I don't think I'll ever acquire the taste for.
It is like drinking a musky chardonnay that has been carbonated.
Maybe a drop of Toohey New with an old grape in it.
Awful is my verdict.
This hop may be blended in with cascade as an APA.
You may call me an uneducated buffon but this is taking a beer where it doesn't belong IMHO....
cheers :)

edited I am struggling finnishing this one LOL
I am sipping on a Knappstein Reserve lager from Clare Valley.
Its is a novelty beer that I don't think I'll ever acquire the taste for.
It is like drinking a musky chardonnay that has been carbonated.
Maybe a drop of Toohey New with an old grape in it.
Awful is my verdict.
This hop may be blended in with cascade as an APA.
You may call me an uneducated buffon but this is taking a beer where it doesn't belong IMHO....
cheers :)

edited I am struggling finnishing this one LOL

Ya reckon matti?

I dont get chardonnay - certainly not musk - all I get are crisp stonefruit and gooseberry flavours.

To each their own - no dramas with that - but I find the knapstien appealing on all fronts - clean, crisp and interesting.

I cant get enough of this hop


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