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G'day lads

I have just put a brew down with 2.5kg of LME, boiled for 1hr 15min, with Perle pellets - %6 for 1:15, then Hallertau 10 grm at %2.5, for 1hr, and the Cascade 15g at around %5 for 15m. Topped up the water in carboy to 22ltrs..


I worked this out to be around 3.5 alcahol..

I wanted more... If I just add some dextrose or coopers brew enhancer will that help me, and could you give me an Idea on how much TO USE, I want to get the % up some more (at least %4.5), this brew has just been airlocked in the last 15 minutes, the time now is 3.06 pm.




Smells great....
As Scotty says, it should be fine. Just stir it up a bit and test again. Promash says you should have an OG of 1044 which should give you about 4.5% alcohol. Get the promash demo version and have a play maybe. Or beersmith evaluation one. :D

I have the promash demo, I couldn't see how it works as yet, I gather the fg will be around 1010 or there abouts as most malt beers end there, though I have not done any brew that starts at 1034.

Im still unsure on how much dex or brew enhancer in, any ideas...

What volume did you boil, and what volume did you leave with the hops and trub?

If you only boiled 10 litres, then lost a litre to trub, then you have lost 10% of your sg. This is assuming that the volume is still 10 litres, usually, starting with 10 litres, you lose a litre or so to evaporation, this leaves 9 litres, then you lose a litre to trub and correspondingly lose more of your sg.

As the others have said, restir, take another sg reading.

If it is still too low, run a few litres out into a saucepan, add some more malt and/or dextrose, dissolve the malt, reboil, chill and add back to boiler.
Stuster said:
As Scotty says, it should be fine. Just stir it up a bit and test again. Promash says you should have an OG of 1044 which should give you about 4.5% alcohol.

Actually, Promash gives OG 1.036 so it seems correct.

If you want to increase alcohol, you'll want to obviously increase the fermentables. This can be achieved with either dextrose or LME/DME. What ingredients and how much of each do you have on hand?
Thanks for this fellas

I started with a boil volume of 6ltr, I boiled 1.5kg of the LME, I then added them other 1kg at flame out, which aided the cooling, I then put the pot in ice cold water and added ice to wort, the temp came down fairly fast.
from there I added the rest of the water up to 22ltrs.

I only have a 10ltr pot, so that was the best I could do.

Pitched yeast at 24, added a wet towel, temp will come down to around 20 22, which I am happy with.

Thanks for this guys.

Im still unsure on how much extra to add is all..

You have used 2.5 kg fermentables to get to 1.034 (did you double check the sg reading?) To get to 1.050, you are going to need around 1 to 1.2 kg fermentables extra.

This is worked out by 2.5/34 x 50 = 3.68

Use a combination of dextrose and LME or DME.
What you've done sounds fine. Letting the fermentation start at a lower OG then adding fermentables is something that brewers often do when brewing higher gravity beers. Add the extra malt as PoL has suggested and the beer should be fine.
Well thanks fellas

I ended up putting 900grm of Brewiser brewing sugar, seemed easy enough, put it in and stir, lol.
Hopefully this will work ok.

Just wished I hadnt of put so much water in. I reckon I should of put 19ltr in in stead. see how it goes, maybe next time, as this is my 1st attempt of a none Hopped kit.

I love the colour it has gone. If you could imagine 500g of dark LME 2 kg of light LME.


Sorry for the calc error kc. Thanks for picking that up NRB. Put in DME instead of LME. :rolleyes:

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