National Show - Anawbs 2006

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wee stu

wee stu's brury - hand made beers, award winning l
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27th Australian National Amateur Wine and Beer Show (ANAWBS)

Brewers (and winemakers),

Full details of our 27th annual show are now on the ANAWBS website.

Entries close on 29th September and Presentation Day will be Sunday 15th October 2006 in Adelaide.

Entry is open to all amateur brewers (and winemakers). There are no State based restrictions.
ANAWBS is the first Nationally focused competition in Australia to have BJCP sanctioned status.
This year there are 17 style specific beer classes, up from last years 13.
All beers will be judged to the BJCP 50 point system and medals will be awarded based upon merit.
Trophies and Certificates will be awarded to First, Second and Third for each class as well as awards for best beer of show and most successful brewer - see the website for full details.
In addition, with the support of our sponsors, we expect to offer a number of additional valuable prizes to selected classes and award winners, watch this space for important announcements.
There is a dedicated class for kit beers.
For the full grain beer enthusiasts there is the Mash Paddle which is now incorporated into ANAWBS.
The remaining 15 classes are unrestricted and we welcome entries from amateur brewers employing all methods.
There is even a free label competition.

Further information and entry forms can be obtained from the website at:

Enjoy your brewing and good luck with your entries.
Hi Stu,
What is the earliest entries will be recieved?

Hi Stu,
What is the earliest entries will be recieved?


Andrew, A&R Black in Adelaide have been acting as the collection depot for ANAWBS for many years now. They are primed and ready to go.

So, if you have beers that you are concerned may be adversely affected by the trauma of postage, by all means get them in early.

We will, of course, be accepting entries right up until September 29. So there is still plenty of time to brew beers specially for the show, if you are so inclined - in fact we would love you to.

We would like to have other collection depots in other States also, and it something we are actively working on. Realistically, however, multiple and interstate collection depots is likely to be an innovation of the 2007 show, rather than this one.
Hi Stu,
Just confirming that the brown PET coopers or morgans bottles will be acceptable for the competition.

Hi Stu,
Just confirming that the brown PET coopers or morgans bottles will be acceptable for the competition.

Certainly. You are more than welcome to use PET bottles. The only qualifier being that they would need to be 500ml or greater so we have enough to swill judge.

Just to qualify, although I may not have the power an influence of the mighty Stu I am assisting with the organisation of ANAWBS.
Aaron is right on the money. The brown beer PET bottles are more than welcome. They are also great for interstate entrants because they cut down on the transportation costs :) .

Full conditions of entry can be found here on the ANAWBS web site.

To quote: "Beer entries must supply a minimum of 500ml, normally a 750ml bottle but two
375ml bottles or similar are acceptable."

Which means if you bottle in premium 330ml stubbies, two of these are fine too, or the 640ml long necks that some home brew shops supply, champagne bottles are cool too (though heavier to transport).

Check out the scoring system listed on the home page. There isn't a judging category for bottles. The 3 points from 50 for appearance relates to the beer itself, not its packaging. That said, I wouldn't recommend clear soft drink PET bottles. The last thing you want is light struck beer.
im a bit confused... too many sheets to fill out.

If i just fill them all out and put them in the box with the beers but 29/9 is that alright? or do the forms need to be there before then or seperately or sometihng?

im in perth so ill be posting the whole lot.

also, will 1x 500mL bottle be enough for an entry? i could send 2 330mL's if that would be better.
im a bit confused... too many sheets to fill out.

If i just fill them all out and put them in the box with the beers but 29/9 is that alright? or do the forms need to be there before then or seperately or sometihng?

im in perth so ill be posting the whole lot.

also, will 1x 500mL bottle be enough for an entry? i could send 2 330mL's if that would be better.

Too many bits of paper to fill out? They must have let a bloody public servant on the committee :p

I'll try to give you wee stu's guide to navigating the paper maze. Hopefully the prize at the end is a major trophy.

1. Read the conditions of entry. That's all the small print there is. To answer one of your questions, Yes 1 500ml bottle is fine. When we say "Beer entries must supply a minimum of 500ml, normally a 750ml bottle but two 375ml bottles or similar are acceptable.", we are not trying to confuse, but to be flexible. If in any doubt refer to my entry two posts ago - basically we want beer and enough of it to judge, you choose the bottles - ok?

2. Proceed to the SCHEDULE OF BEER CLASSES page, just to check that your beer fits one of our classes.

3. Go to the registration form and tell us about who you are and how much money you are sending us (based on the number of your entries). Don't forget, if you are entering the mash paddle this year it has the same entry fees as any other class.

4. Head to Entry Form and tell us what beers you are entering.

5. Almost done! Mosey on over to the Labels. Print some off, fill them in (one for each of the beers in step 4). Stick em on your bottles and get ready to send them off.

There are a couple of optional steps.

6. If you want to enter a label for the free label comp. Click on the Label entry form. Print off one for each label you want to enter and stick a label on it. Conditions of entry are much the same as for the beers, basically it has to be an amateur production, and your own work.

7. Head to the all new forum pages on the ANAWBS web site and give us direct feedback.
but 29/9 is that alright? or do the forms need to be there before then or seperately or sometihng?

im in perth so ill be posting the whole lot.

Missed that one.

We need the bottles and forms to arrive together, by the 29 September deadline. If they come separately it becomes a nightmare for all concerned.

I know the postage is a hassle, we are working on it but did not come up with a solution for this year.

Unless you live in Melbourne - if so check out this thread - no postage worries for you guys this year, or for the next two for that matter.

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