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Has anyone had one of those nights/afternoons when you plan and start a brew AND change the recipie on the fly?
This happened to me last weekend.
Be buggered what went in it.

I know it had POR and Hallertau hops, about 4-odd kgs of grain (ended up with OG of 1050) But what really pisses me off is I took a hydro sample this morning and had a sip after taking the reading and it tastes really nice.

Theres no real point to this thread (apart write your recipie down, AND DONT CHANGE IT!) but would love to hear success (and failure) stories about other brewers brews.
My mate and I did a partigyle and for the second beer he thought it would be a great idea to not write anything down. We threw in 7 malts, mostly to use up what he had, but it was like 300g of carafa and 300g pale choc. The others were all crystals.

At least we wrote the hops down.

Is being bottled today and its awesome. We both wish we had written it down now. Had to stop the runoff for the 2nd gyle at 1035 as well...

So really what i wanted to say was: TL;DR +1
Has anyone had one of those nights/afternoons when you plan and start a brew AND change the recipie on the fly?
This happened to me last weekend.
Be buggered what went in it.

I know it had POR and Hallertau hops, about 4-odd kgs of grain (ended up with OG of 1050) But what really pisses me off is I took a hydro sample this morning and had a sip after taking the reading and it tastes really nice.

Theres no real point to this thread (apart write your recipie down, AND DONT CHANGE IT!) but would love to hear success (and failure) stories about other brewers brews.

I use beersmith so if i have a change of heart on brew day i just quickly edit the recipe... easy as B)