My 1st Schwarzbier, Suggestions?

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Hey guys

Thinking of doing a Schwarzbier, this is what ive been thinking for a recipe

3kg Munich
1.5kg Vienna
150g CaraMalt
200g Carafa I

60 : 20g Northern Brewer
20 : 15g Hallertau
FO : 10g Hallertau

Ive got a truck load of Wyeast 2000 so was planning on using this...

Few questions, does this recipe seem ok? Any hints/tips/criticism would be appreciated... Should I be putting some roast barley in there?

And what sort of mash should I do? Single infusion? Protein rest? Decoction?

Cheers guys :)
I've done six or seven of these now, and they are one of my faves. Personally, I would use a pilsener malt for the base, and I wouldn't use Caramalt or any other crystals. Throw in some Munich or Vienna for a little extra maltiness, but as base malts they will make this much, much too malty. This is supposed to be a 'black pils', so I keep it to a pils grist with the Carafa to add the 'black'.

I also add the Carafa about 10 minutes from the end of the mash. That's what German brewers tend do to minimise any burnt flavours while still getting the colour.

I've made this using single infusion, step and decoction. I haven't noticed any difference in the results. If you could be arsed, you could compromise and use a German-style step mash, say 50/60/70.
Hey guys

Thinking of doing a Schwarzbier, this is what ive been thinking for a recipe

Few questions, does this recipe seem ok? Any hints/tips/criticism would be appreciated... Should I be putting some roast barley in there?

And what sort of mash should I do? Single infusion? Protein rest? Decoction?

Cheers guys :)

I'd use more Carafa, no Caramalt, and a good proportion of Pils as base, definitely no RB.

My last Schwarz:
50L at flameout
4.5kg Pils
4.5kg Munich Lt
750g Carafa Special 3

Single infusion at 66C for 45min (3:1 L/kg)
90min boil

60: 120g tettnanger
15: 30g tettnanger
FO: 30g tettnanager

Wyeast 2000 Budvar yeast cake pitched and fermented at 9-10C

OG 1.050
FG 1.011

Thats my standard recipe for Schwarz although the yeast does vary, and I usually use Northern Brewer for bittering.
I also like it with 2206, and its superb with 2308.

If you use roast barley, only use a little (maybe 50g) to adjust the colour, and add it at the end of the mash. You don't want the burnt flavours. If you want to go darker you're better off using a darker Carafa Special, II or III.
Hmmm, Pils malt? :(

I havent got any at the moment, and ive got all this Munich and Vienna, would it still work out ok? Or should I just brew another Oktoberfest? I like malty beers, so that doesnt put me off...

Would it just turn out to be a black Oktoberfest? Or a Rich Malty something? :rolleyes:
Hmmm, Pils malt? :(

I havent got any at the moment, and ive got all this Munich and Vienna, would it still work out ok? Or should I just brew another Oktoberfest? I like malty beers, so that doesnt put me off...

Would it just turn out to be a black Oktoberfest? Or a Rich Malty something? :rolleyes:

Sure. Go for it. It won't be a Schwarzbier, but if it's what you like, why not? No need to be a Nazi about German beers...(oh dear, is that in bad taste...)
Sure. Go for it. It won't be a Schwarzbier, but if it's what you like, why not? No need to be a Nazi about German beers...(oh dear, is that in bad taste...)

:lol: lol... Hmmm, I might have to give it a shot, seeing as ive allready got the malt :rolleyes: Im sure it wont be bad, surely it wouldnt be as malty as some of the recipes ive seen on here with like, 200gs of choc and all of that...
I tried to brew a Munich Dunkle with a surprisingly similar grain bill to your Schwarzbier that i've just had the first cheeky vegemite glass of.

2.25kg Munich
2kg Vienna
200g Melanoidin
150g Carafa I

60: 15g Norther Brewer
30: 30g Tettnang

Yeast was WLP830 German Lager

However on the day my HBS didn't have any carafa so I used Chocolate instead. After first tasting it's not quite as malty as i'd expected and the melanoidin and chocolate take it somewhere i wasn't really after so next time i'll drop the melanoidin and just wait till carafa is in stock.

I think you'll have a damn fine beer! :beer:
I tried to brew a Munich Dunkle with a surprisingly similar grain bill to your Schwarzbier that i've just had the first cheeky vegemite glass of.

2.25kg Munich
2kg Vienna
200g Melanoidin
150g Carafa I

60: 15g Norther Brewer
30: 30g Tettnang

Yeast was WLP830 German Lager

However on the day my HBS didn't have any carafa so I used Chocolate instead. After first tasting it's not quite as malty as i'd expected and the melanoidin and chocolate take it somewhere i wasn't really after so next time i'll drop the melanoidin and just wait till carafa is in stock.

I think you'll have a damn fine beer! :beer:

Cheers mate, so I guess its a Munich Dunkel ill be brewing then :lol: haha

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