Murphy Is Alive And Well

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Flaming typical.

Over the past couple of weeks I have had a Celtic Red Ale in the pot, using Safale S-04. Being winter, it struggled along at 16deg C and finally finished. So I proceeded to put a Double Choc Stout (with extra Choc grain) and as the previous brew struggled to get over 16deg I said to myself "Here's a bright idea!! Since the temp has struggled to make 16 use a lager yeast and all will be fine."

Bloody Murphy then decides to make the weather much warmer this week, so now I am struggling to get it under 19deg C.

FFS I wish I had room for a brew fridge....

:lol: Always the way huh!

Never fear though, I've had a few lagers creep up to high teens in my time and they've turned out fine.
If it was a Pilz I would worry, but not a Stout, you would be surprised at what you can hide in a Stout!

3 frozen PETs , beach towel, doonah. Kept my ales brewing in QLD during the summer at 20 degrees and should help for a few days, knowing Mexican weather it'll be snowing by Monday B)

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