Muntons Gold

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Alright, another question for the board.
While I was at the brew shop picking up the ingredients for the latest brew, noticed the Muntons Gold kits in a little box. Looks to consist of two smallish cans (though apparently still produes 23L) in a little cardboard box with a handle.
Had a quick read of the back and read like most kits, add Can A and Can B to water, add yeast and ferment.
I was interested in the Docklands Porter...


But they had IPA and some ales and that kinda thing, didn't think the price was that bad (YMMV).
Has anyone tried any of these ? Did you add anything extra ? How did they turn out ?

Nope, But I would recommend it if interested ,as Muntone range is very good Kit brewing. As long as it ales. Bit worried if an English man suggesting good pilsner or Lager LOL
The Muntons Gold 3Kg and its big brother the 3.6 Kg versions are among the finest kits made.
On the pro side:-
They are very easy
They give outstanding results
The yeast is made by the people that bring us the Saf range
They dont need any additions to make an excellent beer.

Again them:-
They have a characteristic taste, from the Muntons malt that you either like or dislike.
They dont need any playing with, which takes out half the fun.
They are getting pretty pricy.

For a quick no thinking beer you could do a lot worse, in the same price bracket you are looking at these or one of the fresh wort kits.

Personal favourite in the range is the Conkerwood a truly lovely dark ale.

Gotta second that vote for the Old Conkerwood.
Very uncharacteristic non-extract/ non-kit taste. It certainly had complexity and depth, as well as quality.

Excellent beer, espppecially since the kit was given to a friend and then given back about 12 months later before it was brewed by me, and it still came out superbly.

My friend is an ex-pat Pom and he finished his half of the beer well before I did. I was trying to make it last, and he prob decided to drink his share in case I finished mine first and wanted his share back :lol:

Made a few Munton's kits when I first started brewing 9 years ago.

Generally speaking they were expensive, usually past their use by date and (in that state) not much out of the ordinary.

All that being said they had an air of romanticism in the league of Airfix and Meccano. :rolleyes:

Warren -
haven't been overly impressed for the price of those muntons premium kits.

much prefer an esb 3kg tin or if you really want muntons, just go the brewcraft range and pay half the price.
Have made up the Muntons 3.6 kg Midas Ale (amber ale) a number of times. Currently drinking one that I did with Saf 34/70 instead of the ale yeast. Came out very nice.

Unfortunately Muntons seem to want to price themselves out of the Australian market with their price increases. It went up 30% at the beginning of the year and there was another hike just recently.

Cheers, Hogan.
I was given the Scottish ale (can't remember its true name) as a present from a mate, who knows i get the ***** with people bringing me VB in exchange for drinking my homebrew. Made it up & dry hopped with fuggles - it was excellent :super:

cheers Ross
Have got the IPA on tap at the moment, pleasant drop. Cost didn't seem excessive when compared to buying say a Black Rock Pale & a tin of Muntons light malt.

Have done several Smugglers, 1x Midas Touch & 1 x IPA and have an Old English Bitter that I'm about to brew. Very pleased with 'em all.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with the Muntons Gold kits ... but ... I would love to see people getting hehind the AUSTRALIAN MADE alternatives whether they be ESB, Wort Kits or what ever.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with the Muntons Gold kits ... but ... I would love to see people getting hehind the AUSTRALIAN MADE alternatives whether they be ESB, Wort Kits or what ever.
Great post Saturn, absobloodybeut post :blink: :blink:
Have also done the Muntons Scottish Ale with W1728.....very nice....bit pricey though. Just my thoughts.