Most Brewed And Favourite Beer Style, And Why?

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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favourite beer style

  • Pilsner

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • European Lager - Light and Dark

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • IPA

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • APA

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • English Bitter/Ales

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Belgian Strong

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wheat beers

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Fruit Beers

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stouts and Porters

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Light Lagers

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
APA and Wheat. Wheats to drink APA to make.

I did my first partial bitter, tastes dusty and vegetably :angry:
APA for me although I have probably brewed more American Ambers and Browns but I couldnt choose those. As others have mentioned, too easy and so much variety in a style. I might change my mind if I could crack a good bo pils.

Belgians here. Much too expensive of a habit to be buying the commercial stuff :)
English Milds, for me. A much misunderstood and maligned variety.
Pilsner and wheats here (both Hefe and Wit).

Many years ago I was in a restaurant drinking a Pilsner Urquel thinking "god damn this is a fine beer". So I am now determined to brew a good Bo Pils - its going to take a lot of attempts to get there. I also just love Hefes and Wits - so tasty and easy to drink and they go down a treat with the Mrs too.

cheers, Andrei
I don't have a favourite style - it all depends on my mood ....... That's probably why I haven't brewed the same beer twice in 6 years of brewing!

Cheers - Snow

Hahahaha - does that mean you're awfully hard to live with??? Just kiiding Snow :p
Pilsner and wheats here (both Hefe and Wit).

Many years ago I was in a restaurant drinking a Pilsner Urquel thinking "god damn this is a fine beer". So I am now determined to brew a good Bo Pils - its going to take a lot of attempts to get there. I also just love Hefes and Wits - so tasty and easy to drink and they go down a treat with the Mrs too.

cheers, Andrei

A good Bo Pils is easier said than done. I have sampled one of Goathearders Bo Pils and it was sensational.

Hahahaha - does that mean you're awfully hard to live with??? Just kiiding Snow :p

ummm.....yeah that's what my wife says when she says "you should make that really nice pale ale again - you know, the one that I liked", and I respond "no way - I already made that one! - here try this imperial roggenbier :D "
ummm.....yeah that's what my wife says when she says "you should make that really nice pale ale again - you know, the one that I liked", and I respond "no way - I already made that one! - here try this imperial roggenbier :D "

I get that a bit too as I have a similar approach to brewing.
"I'm making a bitter"
"You were really happy with the last one. Is it the same as that one?" (She already knows the answer to this really...)
"Well, Pretty much. I've just changed the hops this time."
"Oh, and I'm using a different yeast"
"So it isn't the same beer at all"
"Not really, no"
I couldn't vote - no "all of the above" option! Seriously, I rarely brew the same beer twice. I jump all over the beer map because I still have that kid-in-a-candy-store attitude that I have to try everything. And I've brewed over 160 batches in 12 years. That said, the styles I keep coming back to (occasionally) are:

Weizen (for the wife)
Southern English Brown
Scottish 70/ or 80/

Other than the weizen I've probably brewed each of these maybe 3 or 4 times. I've probably made 10-12 weizens over the years. Not enough if you ask my wife!
I couldn't vote - no "all of the above" option! Seriously, I rarely brew the same beer twice. I jump all over the beer map because I still have that kid-in-a-candy-store attitude that I have to try everything. And I've brewed over 160 batches in 12 years. That said, the styles I keep coming back to (occasionally) are:

Weizen (for the wife)
Southern English Brown
Scottish 70/ or 80/

Other than the weizen I've probably brewed each of these maybe 3 or 4 times. I've probably made 10-12 weizens over the years. Not enough if you ask my wife!

Hi Guys,
Just registered,so i thought i introduce myself.
I'm Scott from the central coast of nsw,and i love beer-drinking,or brewing......
I've just bottled my first brew in about 4 years,and have done an amber ale.
I'm on here to learn a bit from you guys so cheers!
Hi Guys,
Just registered,so i thought i introduce myself.
I'm Scott from the central coast of nsw,and i love beer-drinking,or brewing......
I've just bottled my first brew in about 4 years,and have done an amber ale.
I'm on here to learn a bit from you guys so cheers!

Welcome dude. First bit of advice is go into your settings and put your location in so it comes up under your name, just so we all know where your from and who and whats near you.
Loads of info and help on the site.

My most brewed is a standard house ale which consists of one bucket of pale malt (usually BB) and a handful of whatever other malt is available. Chocolate, melanoidin, roast etc. Sometimes it is just the pale malt on it's own. Then a handful of whatever hops I feel like throwing in or are available at the time. I don't even bother weighing up grain and hops or mucking about with OG/FG for this type of brew anymore as I have made it so many times I know I will get about 5% ABV and I am happy with that.

My favourite style are the darks. Love porter.

My favourite style are the darks. Love porter.

With you on that. Before i started brewing i thought that lagers and lighter beers were great, but i now love the body of the darker beers plus the roasty/chocolatey flavours with a porter.
With you on that. Before i started brewing i thought that lagers and lighter beers were great, but i now love the body of the darker beers plus the roasty/chocolatey flavours with a porter.

Steve,we are almost neighbours!!!!
Profile is updated.
Well I voted for APA.

Easy to make, tastes great and, as long as I'm not too aggressive with my late hopping, is enjoyed by all (most importantly me :p ).

Mostly APAs and wheats (in summer)

Mucking around with APAs by using kiwi hops, I think the grain bill is suitable for all-year round drinking, slightly paler in warm months, slightly darker and maltier in cooler months. APAs would be about 40% of my total brews, so about 1 in every 4 or 5 brews.

For two reasons, first due to the heat up here there's nothing nicer than a cold crisp Pils chock full o' Saaz while sitting in the pool, and secondly it is a bitch to try and get right.
I voted Pilsner and Wheat Beers.

I'll back Duff re: bitch to get right. Makes it very pleasing when you manage to pull it off.

Wheat Beers cos they're so refreshing in Summer and plenty of variables to keep you interested as a brewer. Belgian Wit is a fav.
Lager because I like them
APAs because it is too easy and I like them
English ale because I like them too

If time allowed I'd brew them all......

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