Morgan's Kit

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Hi there,

Anyone used before Morgan's beer kits? I am looking at their Blue Mountain Lager Beer Concentrate and it sounds pretty good. But I would like to know whether anyone has used before Morgan's beer kits before and what's your take on it? How does it compare to the rest?
Hi there,

Anyone used before Morgan's beer kits? I am looking at their Blue Mountain Lager Beer Concentrate and it sounds pretty good. But I would like to know whether anyone has used before Morgan's beer kits before and what's your take on it? How does it compare to the rest?

Blue Mountain Lager is one of their most popular ones and most Morgan's kits are pretty good IMNSHO. Have a look at HB Kit Reviews.

was also thinking of using the blue mountain morgans kit with 500g dextrose and 500 dried malt extract and 12g of hallertau hops boiled for 2 minutes.

Not sure whether to rack it or not

Iv heard this kits good so thought id give a go. Im going for a not so strong bodied beer more for my mates who like asahi and corona's etc. (yes i know most of you hate these beers but just for a hot day with the mates its good.) any tips/ recommendations on ingrediants/kits

also was thinking of culturing some yeast from a bottle any suggestions?

Well, I heard a lot of good things about Cooper's but seldom see anyone using Morgan's beer concentrates at all. So I was just wondering how are they. Anyways, thanks for the recommendation.
I've used this kit with 1kg of 'Ultrabrew' (500g light Malt, 250g Maltodextrin, 250g Dextrose) tossed a teabag of pride-of-ringwood hops into the fermerter (steeped in mug of boiling water) my notes say 'good beer!' (I think I was trying to do a crown copy) I do more Ales nowadays.

keep the temperature down (18 or lower is ideal)

Did you use the provided yeast or did you get your own?
Well, I heard a lot of good things about Cooper's but seldom see anyone using Morgan's beer concentrates at all.
Probably because of the simple fact that you can get Coopers at the supermarket but you wont find Morgans there.
I like Morgans Blue Mountain lager but I do find it a bit sweet.
I tried the Morgans Lager kit with Morgans Beer Enhancer & 250g dextrose. Steeped 2 x hersbrucker finishing hops (probably 5 minutes in boiling water). From memory I used the kit yeast and kept the wort at around 20 - 22 degrees. Racked it for 2 weeks and kept the temperature down around 15 degrees (foam box and ice bottles). From memory it was very easy drinking.
Oh, then I will need to get an ale yeast since doing a real lager in sunny singapore is not easy. Thanks.
Oh, then I will need to get an ale yeast since doing a real lager in sunny singapore is not easy. Thanks.

Nothing wrong with a good Golden Ale. Do you get any Fresh Wort Kits up there?

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I personaly Love the morgans kits.Since I have started using them I haven't turned back. I use both the special kettle range and Australian range. I find them both consistent & of high quality.

I personaly enjoy the Blue Mountains with the Australian Lager converter #40. I have used both the kit yeast and S23, both are good but I believe the S23 is cleaner.
Nothing wrong with a good Golden Ale. Do you get any Fresh Wort Kits up there?

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I don't know how fresh is it but the store claims that they refrigerate them. I have been using Cooper's for my 2 brews already, they taste great. But I am keen to try out other kits.
I personaly Love the morgans kits.Since I have started using them I haven't turned back. I use both the special kettle range and Australian range. I find them both consistent & of high quality.

I personaly enjoy the Blue Mountains with the Australian Lager converter #40. I have used both the kit yeast and S23, both are good but I believe the S23 is cleaner.

Nice. Hey, do you know what is the name of the yeast that they provide?
I don't know how fresh is it but the store claims that they refrigerate them. I have been using Cooper's for my 2 brews already, they taste great. But I am keen to try out other kits.
He's not referring to the little Coopers cans or the like.
Fresh wort comes in 15 to 17 litre containers and contains full grain wort direct from a brewery.
Basically all you need to add is a little more water and the yeast.
It's a whole lot better than the stuff in cans.
He's not referring to the little Coopers cans or the like.
Fresh wort comes in 15 to 17 litre containers and contains full grain wort direct from a brewery.
Basically all you need to add is a little more water and the yeast.
It's a whole lot better than the stuff in cans.

You got it. You'd have to find a brewery in Singapore or nearby that makes them. I'd imagine the freght in a 15L cube would make it uneconomical otherwise. SolidGhost ask your supplier if anyone does a 15L fresh wort, well worth it, especially with less than ideal brewing temperatures. Most (including me) believe that it is a very easy way to get a great beer.

These are the guys that distribute the St Peters Brewery 15L cubes that I get:

Most (including me) believe that it is a very easy way to get a great beer.
I'm drinking the fresh wort from Grain&Grape (Artisanale Fresh Wort Type 1) which is made
by 3 Ravens brewery and it's bloody good stuff :)
I've not even added anything to it.

I've never tried any of 3 Ravens beer but they are apparently very nice.
Here's a link if your interested...
Too expensive for me at around $76 a slab :(

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