Morgans Blue Mountain Lager Yeast Question?

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Hey guys

Quick question about this kits' yeast

I mixed up this kit last night and pitched a "Brew Celler European Lager" yeast. The pitching temp was a bit high (32 deg C).
I put the fermenter straight into my temp controlled fridge @ 10deg C. 24 hrs later,its down to 12 deg but no action.
I thought I may have killed the yeast because of the high pitching temp so I chucked in the kit yeast.

Anyway my question is; Is this kit yeast a true lager yeast, or is it an ale yeast?

I have brewed this exact kit in the middle of winter (down to near zero at night) out here with minimal temp control and exceptional results. I would say go for it. It did the trick for me. :)

As its status as a true Lager yeast or what strain????????????????????
The kit yeast is an ale yeast. I think it may be 514.

You must have a source, I have a suspicion that said yeast is in fact a dried lager yeast, 34/70 perhaps??
On the other hand it could be 497, which seems a better bet.


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