Monster Vs Crankandstein

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yeah theyre not geared, precisely as it says, theyre grain engaged. Basically the same as not having gears there, the grains transfer the force to the other roller, imparting unnecessary shear forces on the grain tearing the husks apart. Millmaster FTW! B)
They arrived today. Man they look sweeeeeet! :icon_drool2:

Dang, mine isn't here yet. Mind you I ordered a scratch and dent mill and it was in need of some machining so Fred sent me a brand spanker :icon_chickcheers:
My crankandstein 3E with S/S rollers arrived this week. Only took two weeks from the States. Spoonta is making me hopper and i am gearing up to first AG in two weeks! Sweet.
As I've said in a few threads lately I bought a Monster Brewing Hardware MM3-2.0-SS
The 3 roller design made a lot of sence to me. So that along with good reports I'd read in multiple places and videos I'd seen on YouTube of the MBH mills sold me on the MM3. But I wanted to make sure I would be happy with it so I upgraded to the 2" rollers and to be sure it'd have bling and to impress my mates (actually mostly it was for keeping the wanker in me happy) I went the SS rollers.
To be honest I couldnt be happier with my purchase.

HOWEVER If I was looking to a 2 roller mill I "might" be tempted to see if I could find out any more about the "rumoured" updated Millmaster mills.

Then again the price of the Crank' and the Monster are hard to argue with - particularly with the buying power of the AUD at the moment
So what's the verdict?
Which mill is gonna give the best result as far as the resulting cracked grain and husk condition?
IMO i think alll of them will deliver - theres more variables than just the mill. The users ability to set the gap correctly to suit THEIR equipment be it BIAB or 3V or other wise. The speed the grain is crushed at - mechanically driven or hand cranked.
I think that even the best mill can root grain with the wrong opperator. I think if you spend the time to understand your equipment and set your mill to the correct settings I think pretty much any decent mill (millmaster, monster, crank', barley crusher, Marga etc) will produce good results provided the opperator sets the machine up to suit their other equipment and spend the time to get to know their mill and how its settings effect other parts of their brewery.
I guess the point I'm trying to make is that once you make a decision on which mill "feels" right to you then you still have a lot of work to go testing gap settings, mill speeds, hopper designs, wether you want to try double passes or if you want to avoid them etc.
IMO i think alll of them will deliver - theres more variables than just the mill. The users ability to set the gap correctly to suit THEIR equipment be it BIAB or 3V or other wise. The speed the grain is crushed at - mechanically driven or hand cranked.
I think that even the best mill can root grain with the wrong opperator. I think if you spend the time to understand your equipment and set your mill to the correct settings I think pretty much any decent mill (millmaster, monster, crank', barley crusher, Marga etc) will produce good results provided the opperator sets the machine up to suit their other equipment and spend the time to get to know their mill and how its settings effect other parts of their brewery.
I guess the point I'm trying to make is that once you make a decision on which mill "feels" right to you then you still have a lot of work to go testing gap settings, mill speeds, hopper designs, wether you want to try double passes or if you want to avoid them etc.

That's pretty much it, nice post komodo. It really boils down to requirements, Price and preference.
They all crush grain, YOU have to set up the mill to crush properly based on your system. I've set my MM2 up so it suites my system, herms batch sparge and it works very well.

there is not enough variation in quality etc between these mills that warrants any concern.Its only a mill.......

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My crankandstein 3E with S/S rollers arrived this week. Only took two weeks from the States.

g'day Biergeliebter, if you don't mind, what was the final cost of this delivered ?

wouldn't mind seeing a pic of it assembled with the hopper etc if you have one :icon_cheers:

I got a MM2, 6" rollers and cheaper, cant beat that. I only got it a couple of weeks ago and am waiting on a new false bottom before i can give it a go. I've attached a few pics with the hopper and base supplied from the same place.





I got a crankandstein 3D simply because it has detented gap adjustment. That means you turn a knob and clicks through gap setting, making it really easy to set your gap properly at both ends. No need to use a gap probe thingy to make sure your gap setting is the same at both ends of the mill. I thought it was worth the few extra dollars

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