Modifying A Fridge/freezer Combo...

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Hi all,

I was lucky enough to score a free working fridge/freezer combo the other day - just in time because my current brew was fermenting at about 25 degrees no matter what I did.... Anyway, I'm hoping to make some modifications to it to make it more suited to it's new life in my brewery, but would like a little advice :unsure:

My main problem is that it's a combo fridge/freezer (fridge on top, freezer down below). From the reading I've been doing, a fridgemate (or similar) is the way to go, but that would only be able to control the temperature in one section, making the other half of the fridge kinda useless. So the way I see it at the moment, to be able to use both sections, I could either:
  1. Somehow alter the fridges thermostats so that they both aim for the same temperature - only problem here is I think the fridge only has a single temperature control, in the fridge section, and the freezer must be setup to run at a certain level below that (through extra cooling elements or something). I don't know much about fridges, but I think that option may be out....
  2. Cut a hole in the horizontal shelf that separates the fridge from the freezer, to effectively make both sections one (the shelf may then need to be reinforced). Maybe it could be a small hole, and I could stick in a little 12V fan (like in the chest freezer thread) to suck some extra cold air from the freezer to the fridge. Main problem here is that I have no idea what is in the shelf bit - is it possible that there could be cooling elements there, or do they generally just run up the back of the fridge?

Can anyone out there shed some light on any of my questions? Or is there another option that I haven't thought of?

Can't really give you any information as I'm kinda in the same position as you.

I was hoping that the fridge would keep beers at fermenting temps and the freezer might be suitable for lagering.
Mine had the freezer on top, so I cut a huge hole between the two sections, and now the cold air in the freezer section just falls down into the fridge.

So I got onto the fridge manufacturer today. Seems that there are refrigerant lines all through the shelf between the two sections. Obviously you had the right sort of fridge Sammy.

I think I might have to very carefully dig around through the insulation and find an appropriate spot. I have to do something - I bought a Fridgemate last night....

Does anyone know how these 12V fans go with condensation? Obviously they don't mind too much, judging by the fan in chest freezer thread....

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